interface Nest { ghost: Schema store: Schema on: ( event: string, callback: ( eve: string, { path, value }: { path: string[] | string; value: any } ) => void ) => void get: any set: any delete: any update: any listeners: any once: any off: any emit: any } //we could just use `{}` for this but that's jank if we want to assign a new key/val to it type UnknownObject = { [prop: string]: any } type DemonGlobal = { summon: (mod: string) => any } const demon: DemonGlobal interface Window { demon: DemonGlobal beelzejuice: Uint8Array[] webpackChunkdiscord_app: any webpackJsonp: ( thing1: [], thing2: [(mod: any, _exports: any, req: any) => void] ) => any } namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements { hr: any svg: any path: any div: any label: any span: any } } const _: any