import webpack from "./api/webpack"; import common from "./api/common"; import utils from "./api/utils/index"; import plugins from "./api/plugin"; import settings from "./api/ui/settings/settings"; import css from "./api/css"; import patcher from "./api/patcher"; import findByRitual from "./api/ritual"; Object.assign(webpack, { findByRitual }); const demon: Record = { modules: { webpack, common }, utils, plugins, internal: { nest: common.nests.make() }, css, patcher, stolas: { monologue: () => { const username = webpack .findByProps("getCurrentUser") .getCurrentUser().username; return _.sample([ `${username}, you know that when I'm lonely, I become hungry. And when I become hungry, I want to choke on that red **** of yours... **** your ***** and lick all of your *****, before taking out your *****, and **** with more teeth until you're screaming ********** like a FUCKING baby--!`, `Ohhh, ${username}! I'm so excited! I cannot wait to feel your slimy c**k inside of my ****. To ***** the— ...**** use while you and I and **** and jelly sandwiches all night...!` ]); } }, settings }; function summon(mod: string) { const mods = mod.split("/"); let res = demon; mods.forEach((m) => { if (m in res) { res = res[m]; } else { throw new Error("Module does not exist!"); } }); return res; } window.demon = { summon }; plugins.init(); settings.init();