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function monkeyPatch(name, parentObj, patches) {
const injId = Symbol()
const before = (patches["before"] === undefined) ? (...args)=>args : patches["before"];
const instead = (patches["instead"] === undefined) ? (res,...args)=>res(...args) : patches["instead"];
const after = (patches["after"] === undefined) ? (args, res)=>res : patches["after"];
const handler = {
apply: (target, thisArg, [ctx, args]) => {
before.apply(ctx, args);
res = instead(target.bind(ctx), args)
return after.apply(ctx, args.concat([res]));
const prox = new Proxy(parentObj[name], handler);
const orig = parentObj[name];
parentObj[name] = function() {
return prox(this, [arguments]);
const unpatch = () => {
parentObj[name] = orig;
parentObj[injId] = {
name: name,
orig: orig,
unpatch: unpatch
return unpatch;
function before(name, parentObj, func) {
return monkeyPatch(name, parentObj, {before: func})
function instead(name, parentObj, func) {
return monkeyPatch(name, parentObj, {instead: func})
function after(name, parentObj, func) {
return monkeyPatch(name, parentObj, {after: func})
module.exports = {