import { configType } from "../config.ts"; import { Channel } from "../database.ts"; class HuggingFaceAI { name: string; description: string; prefix: string; memory: string[]; tokens: string[]; tokenNum: number; memoryLen: number; parameters: { max_new_tokens: number; temperature: number; repetition_penalty: number; top_k: number; return_full_text: boolean; }; model: string; constructor(name: string, description: string, config: configType, db: Channel) { = name; this.description = description; this.prefix = `The following is a chat with ${}, ${this.description}.\n`; this.tokens = config.huggingface.tokens; this.tokenNum = 0; this.memoryLen = config.huggingface.memoryLen; this.parameters = { "max_new_tokens": 50, "temperature": 0.8, "repetition_penalty": 1.8, "top_k": 40, "return_full_text": false, }; this.model = config.huggingface.model; this.memory = db.history ? => `${}: "${m.content}"`) : []; } //TODO: type our response object async #query(prompt: string): Promise[]> { const res = await fetch(`${this.model}`, { body: JSON.stringify({ inputs: prompt, parameters: this.parameters, }), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.tokens[this.tokenNum]}`, }, method: "POST", }); this.tokenNum++; if (this.tokenNum > this.tokens.length - 1) { this.tokenNum = 0; } const jsonRes = await res.json(); if (!jsonRes[0].generated_text) { console.log(jsonRes); console.warn("Retrying generation with new token..."); return await this.#query(prompt); // bound to go well } return jsonRes; } reset() { this.prefix = `The following is a chat with ${}, ${this.description}.\n`; this.memory = []; } changeShit(opts: { name?: string; description?: string; }) { = ??; this.description = opts.description ?? this.description; this.reset(); } async complete(username: string, message: string) { console.log(`${username}: "${message}"`); const ctx = this.memory.slice(this.memoryLen * -2); const prompt = `${this.prefix}\n${ctx.join("\n")}\n${username}: "${message}"\n${}: "`; const res = await this.#query(prompt); const botMsg = res[0].generated_text.split(/"[.?!]?\n/gm)[0]; this.memory.push(`${username}: "${message}"`); this.memory.push(`${}: "${botMsg}"`); console.log(`${}: "${botMsg}"`); return botMsg; } } export default HuggingFaceAI;