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4 years ago
# GooseMod Changelog
## v4.6.0 [2020-11-01]
- ### Tweaks
- No longer uses janky CSP bypass, instead now relies on it being disabled when GooseMod is injected
- Cleaned up some code, removed some now unneeded logging and some unnecessary old comments
## v4.5.0 [2020-10-31]
- ### Features
- Added complete new dialog / wizard for setup / first time injection, now asks what "pack" (set of modules) you want to install as well as what theme you want to install. Pre-existing users won't be affected.
## v4.4.1 [2020-10-30]
- ### Tweaks
- Stopped using version specific / special changelog images
- ### Fixes
- Fixed changelog sometimes being glitchy, could sometimes occur when some Discord experiments / special changelog types override the changelog
## v4.4.0 [2020-10-30]
- ### Features
- Added custom component to settings UI API
- ### Tweaks
- Reduced old logging in sidebar settings generation
## v4.3.0 [2020-10-29]
- ### Features
- Added GooseMod changelog, it appears whenever GooseMod updates with the latest info from Injector repo's
- Rewrote CSP Bypasser, it now uses the object's fetch function directly
- Added UserScript support in CSP Bypasser, thanks to [AAGaming]( for creating a UserScript for web
## v4.2.2
- ### Tweaks
- Added class to injected GooseMod settings to allow easier styling of them
## v4.2.1
- ### Fixes
- Fixed local module importing and only ask for one file
- Fix large (>~1MB) modules failing to load
## v4.2.0
- ### Features
- Added color picker to Settings UI API
- New CSP bypasser which uses standard URI
## v4.1.0
- ### Features
- Added sidebar to Module Store UI
## v4.0.0
- ### Tweaks
- Hid local reinstall option (and divider) as it is mostly useless / never used
- ### Backend
- Rewrote to not use global / window object - fixes many potential bugs and is more secure
- Moved some misc. settings options into goosemod.settings instead of bloating the parent scope
- Module functions are no longer binded to goosemod scope, instead it is avaliable as an object in the module eval
## v3.2.1
- ### Features
- Added separator to Module Store UI
- ### Fixes
- Fixed being able to input newlines in Module Store UI search box
## v3.2.0
- ### Features
- Revamped Module Store UI to use cards, and now has a search bar
## v3.1.0
- ### Features
- Added hash checking to Module Store for each module
- ### Fixes
- Fixed local module importing being broken
- Fixed reinjecting after being removed in the past not working and still thinking it had been removed
- ### Backend
- Sleep and ab2str specific util JS files / imports as they are used through out (more than once)
- Cleaned up some code when initially loading
## v3.0.1
- ### Tweaks
- Removed migration code replacing for modules to fix issues
- Removed old unneeded logging on startup
- New way of getting injector version hash
- Add version toast on injection
## v3.0.0
- ### Backend
- Rewritten to use multiple JS files with Parcel
## v2.4.0
- ### Features
- Added new settings injector backup system to fix settings injection when settings button click event fails
- Added module JS cache - installed modules have their JS code installed and that cache is used if there are no updates for the module, reducing network requests and latency
## v2.3.0
- ### Features
- Put theme and hardcoded color fixer to start of to install modules on injection always
- Made Dracula Theme new default theme (used to be Darkest)
## v2.2.2
- ### Fixes
- Fixed some issues when injecting whilst settings are open
## v2.2.1
- ### Fixes
- Fixed loading toast remaining on screen after injection if not new user
## v2.2.0
- ### Features
- New loading process - instead of Discord-like whole screen loading screen, now uses toasts to be less intrusive
- Only open settings on injection if first time using GooseMod (no settings saved)
- Better settings injection starting process - fixes bug where settings would sometimes not be injected, also makes it less slow to inject
- ### Tweaks
- Text inside toasts are now centered (for multi-line)
- Return toast element and close function from creating toast function
- ### Fixes
- Don't use window object for base scope
## v2.1.1
- ### Fixes
- Fixed local (not from module store) modules being saved breaking next install
## v2.1.0
- ### Tweaks
- New CSP Bypass URL
## v2.0.1
- ### Fixes
- Fixed bug with toasts not displaying properly sometimes
## v2.0.0
- ### Features
- Added version hash
- Added enabling and disabling of modules
- Added saving settings of modules
- Only install previously installed modules (mostly for tethered)
- No longer remove untethered version from being accessible on injection
4 years ago
## v1.11.1
- ### Fixes
- Fixed CORS bypasser image method not using CORS proxy variable
4 years ago
## v1.11.0
- ### Features
- Allow not using CORS proxy with CSP bypasser methods
- No longer use CORS proxy with Module Store requests
4 years ago
## v1.10.1
- ### Tweaks
- Use new API
4 years ago
## v1.10.0
- ### Features
- Added toast API for modules to use
- May or may not have added easter eggs
4 years ago
## v1.9.1
- ### Tweaks
- Updated loading screen to show and link to new GitHub stuff
4 years ago
## v1.9.0
- ### Tweaks
- Updated module store URLs to GitHub
## v1.8.1
- ### Tweaks
- Tethered version -> Untethered version
4 years ago
## v1.8.0
- ### Features
- Added text element to settings API
- Convert dashes to spaces in categories with Module Store settings UI
4 years ago
## v1.7.0
- ### Features
- In injecting loading screen, improve importing default modules step by using newlines and full proper names
- Better support for GooseMod Tethered
- Added support for accessing webpack modules
4 years ago
## v1.6.0
- ### Features
- Added WYSIWYG Messages, Custom Sounds, Dev Mode and Twitch Emotes to default modules
- When importing default modules on injection / loading, show which one and the progress
4 years ago
## v1.5.1
- ### Features
- Injection loading screen now fades to dark color at the start
- ### Fixes
- Fixed loading image / video of Discord logo not looping
- Fixed importing local module not fully updating settings properly
4 years ago
## v1.5.0
- ### Features
- Added local storage support (will help make a lot of modules previously impossible possible)
- ### Fixes
- Fixed console error when removing a module not from module store
4 years ago
4 years ago
## v1.4.0
- ### Features
- Module store now has remove buttons instead of reimport
- Renamed reinstall to local reinstall
- No longer show module manager in browser as it serves no purpose there
- Hide manage modules in browser as the only purpose it has now is to import local modules
- ### Fixes
- Fixed some bugs when updating the module store index
4 years ago
## v1.3.0
- ### Features
- Added default (auto-install on injection) modules
- Settings no longer have to be reopened when importing modules, removing them, etc.
- ### Fixes
- Fixed reimport button not turning back into import button not working
4 years ago
## v1.2.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Module Store setting is now filtered into categories and sorted alphabetically
- CSP Bypasser now queries gateway instead of non-existant page to be more steathy
- Added Discord-like loading screen when injecting
- CSP Bypasser initialisation is now much (speeds up entire injection by ~2x) faster as it actually waits for the iframe to load instead of just waiting for 1 second (also will increase reliability)
4 years ago
## v1.1.2
- ### Fixes
- #### Injector
- Increased duration between settings reopen to fix sometimes overlapping settings
4 years ago
## v1.1.1
- ### Fixes
- #### Injector
- Fix bug where module would be deleted before running module store deletion handler
4 years ago
## v1.1.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Added image and blob support to CSPBypasser
- Now removes reinstall button on browser (unsupported)
- ### Fixes
- #### Injector
- Fixed bug on Windows where closing settings would close Discord
- Fixed crash
- Fixed CSPBypasser sometimes failing on some origins
- ### Other Changes
- Removed easy injector
- Moved modules to API repository
## Release v1.0.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Added separator between other GooseMod options and reinstall and uninstall
- Added Module store
- Added normal (brand) button and text setting option
- Now reopens settings when doing some things instead of just closing
4 years ago
- Removed embedded
## Beta v0.9.2
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Reallow importing modules in embedded mode, but desktop client only
## Beta v0.9.1
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Disable importing modules in embedded mode
## Beta v0.9.0
- ### Features
- #### Embedder
- Added embedded mode
## Beta v0.8.1
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Automatically opens settings on the manage modules page when injected
- #### Module: RainbowCord (v1.0.0)
- Added module
- #### Module: Role Colored Messages (v1.0.0)
- Added module
- #### Module: Egg Scrambler (v1.0.0)
- Added module
- ### Fixes
- #### Module: Message Scrambler (v1.0.1)
- Fixed some potential symbol conversion errors
## Beta v0.8.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Added module descriptions to module manager
- Added subtext option for toggles and danger button setting components
- Remade module headers for module manager, now including author
- #### Module: Twitch Emotes (v1.0.0)
- Added module
- #### Module: Message Scrambler by Fjorge (v1.0.0)
- Added module
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks (v2.0.1)
- Added description and author
- Added subtext to some options
- #### Module: Fucklytics (v1.1.2)
- Added description and author
- Added subtext to some options
- #### Module: Dev Mode (v1.0.1)
- Added description and author
- ### Backend / Structural Changes
- Modules now in "category" folders
- ### Fixes
- #### Injector
- Fixed that modules without setting would fail to be removed
## Beta v0.7.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- No longer ask for modules on injection immediately
- Module manager now shows deletion button instead of toggle for removing modules
- #### Easy Injector
- Renamed Quick Injector to Easy Injector
- Reduced size
- ### Fixes
- #### Injector
- Fixed that removing a module would not remove the setting in the current settings layer (from v0.6.0)
## Beta v0.6.0
4 years ago
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Uninstall option is now colored red like "Log Out" option
- GooseMod options are now inserted before "Log Out" option
- Added Reinstall option
- #### Quick Injector
- Added quick injector
- ### Tweaks
- #### Injector
- No longer use custom logging for logging version on run
- Removed version iteration as it was mostly unused
- Added Discord version channel and desktop version to startup import logging
4 years ago
## Beta v0.5.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Uninstall confirmation uses Discord's confirmation box instead of Electron's (thanks Upsidedown!)
- Cancelling uninstall no longer shows empty "Uninstall Cancelled" page
- Added Manage Modules to easily import and remove modules
- Moved modules into own settings category
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks (v2.0.0)
- Profile popup background is now colored correctly according to theme
- Server boost page is now colored correctly according to theme
- Tweaked some backgrounds for darkest mode
- Added version and name to export
- Darkest mode is now default
- #### Module: Fucklytics (v1.1.1)
- Added version and name to export
- #### Module: Dev Mode (v1.0.0)
- Added version and name to export
## Alpha v0.4.4
- ### Features
- ### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.4.0)
- Properly color mention and slash autocompletion menu
## Alpha v0.4.3
- ### Features
- ### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.3.0)
- Properly color friends container section
## Alpha v0.4.2
- ### Features
- ### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.2.0)
- Added better highlighting for messages on hover for darker (and darkest) modes
## Alpha v0.4.1
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Added confirmation to Uninstall from settings
## Alpha v0.4.0
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Modules now have remove handler
- No longer uses global window variable, much more hidden now
- Added uninstall option to end of settings which uninstalls / removes GooseMod without reloading / refresh (leaves some small amounts of code but no visual or noticable changes remain, small traces can be removed by refreshing / reloading)
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.1.0)
- Now disables all tweaks on remove handler
- #### Module: Fucklytics (v1.1.0)
- Reverts proxy function remove handler
## Alpha v0.3.0 (Bump from Pre-alpha to Alpha!)
- ### Features
- #### Injector
- Now injects version in to info in settings sidebar
- Made subtitle for settings header in settings pages settable
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.0.1)
- Added version to settings header
- #### Module: Fucklytics (v1.0.1)
- Added version to settings header
- ### Tweaks
- #### Injector
- Tweaked version logging in console
- ### Fixes
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks (v1.0.1)
- Fixed help button not being hidden when first imported even when enabled
## Pre-alpha v0.2.1
- ### Misc. Changes
- Removed `test` module as it served no use
- Removed `Test` setting entry
## Pre-alpha v0.2.0
- ### Features
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks
- Added "Darker Mode" to Visual Tweaks Module
- Added "Darkest Mode" to Visual Tweaks Module
- #### Injector
- Added version displaying when injector is ran
- ### Fixes
- #### Module: Visual Tweaks
- Fixed tweaks being enabled on import even if being "false"
- #### Injector
- Fixed potential future errors in logger if region is not found and not a module
- Fixed toggles in settings not having bottom margin
- Fixed headers (not first one) not having top margin
- Fixed toggles not having dividers after them
- ### Backend / Structural Changes
- Renamed `base` directory to `modules` as it is a more accurate and understanding name
4 years ago
## Pre-alpha v0.1.0
- Initial (Public) Release