import './css/index.css'; import sleep from './util/sleep'; import * as Logger from './util/logger'; import * as WebpackModules from './util/discord/webpackModules'; import * as Patcher from './util/patcher'; import * as Attrs from './util/attrs'; import * as ReactUtils from './util/react'; import showToast from './ui/toast'; import * as confirmDialog from './ui/modals/confirm'; import * as Changelog from './ui/modals/changelog'; import * as GoosemodChangelog from './ui/goosemodChangelog'; import * as OOTB from './ui/ootb'; import { startLoadingScreen, stopLoadingScreen, updateLoadingScreen, setThisScope as setThisScope1 } from './ui/loading'; import * as Settings from './ui/settings'; import { importModule, setThisScope as setThisScope3 } from './moduleManager'; // import { saveModuleSettings, clearModuleSetting, clearSettings, loadSavedModuleSetting, loadSavedModuleSettings, setThisScope as setThisScope4 } from './moduleSettingsStore'; import * as ModuleSettingsStore from './moduleSettingsStore'; import moduleStoreAPI from './moduleStore'; import * as CSSCache from './cssCache'; import * as GMBadges from './gmBadges'; import Storage from './storage'; import ProfileStoreInit from './gmProfileStore'; import GenDebugInfo from './genDebugInfo'; const scopeSetterFncs = [ setThisScope1, Settings.setThisScope, setThisScope3, moduleStoreAPI.setThisScope, Changelog.setThisScope, GoosemodChangelog.setThisScope, Patcher.setThisScope, Attrs.setThisScope, ModuleSettingsStore.setThisScope, confirmDialog.setThisScope, GMBadges.setThisScope ]; const importsToAssign = { startLoadingScreen, stopLoadingScreen, updateLoadingScreen, settings: Settings, importModule, moduleSettingsStore: ModuleSettingsStore, webpackModules: WebpackModules, logger: Logger, showToast, confirmDialog:, moduleStoreAPI, changelog: Changelog, goosemodChangelog: GoosemodChangelog, patcher: Patcher, attrs: Attrs, reactUtils: ReactUtils, cssCache: CSSCache, gmBadges: GMBadges, ootb: OOTB, storage: Storage, genDebugInfo: GenDebugInfo }; const init = async function () { Object.assign(this, importsToAssign); await; this.cssCache.load(); while (document.querySelectorAll('.flex-1xMQg5.flex-1O1GKY.horizontal-1ae9ci.horizontal-2EEEnY.flex-1O1GKY.directionRow-3v3tfG.justifyStart-2NDFzi.alignStretch-DpGPf3.noWrap-3jynv6 > [type="button"]:last-child').length === 0 || (window.webpackJsonp === undefined && window.webpackChunkdiscord_app === undefined)) { await sleep(10); } for (let x of scopeSetterFncs) { await x(this); } this.versioning = { version: `12.3`, hash: '', // Hash of git commit branch:'goosemodUntetheredBranch'), lastUsedVersion:'goosemodLastVersion') }; this.versioning.isDeveloperBuild = this.versioning.hash === '';'goosemodLastVersion', this.versioning.version); this.logger.debug('import.version.goosemod', `${this.versioning.version} (${this.versioning.hash})`); if (window.DiscordNative !== undefined) this.logger.debug('import.version.discord', `${} ${}`); if (window.gmUntethered) { this.untetheredVersion = window.gmUntethered.slice(); } if (this.versioning.lastUsedVersion && this.versioning.version !== this.versioning.lastUsedVersion) {; // Show changelog if last GooseMod version is different than this version } this.startLoadingScreen(); this.updateLoadingScreen('Initialising internals...'); let toInstallModules = Object.keys(JSON.parse('goosemodModules')) || {}); let disabledModules = Object.keys(JSON.parse('goosemodDisabled')) || {}); this.modules = toInstallModules.filter((x) => disabledModules.indexOf(x) === -1).reduce((acc, v) => { acc[v] = { goosemodHandlers: { } }; return acc; }, {}); this.disabledModules = toInstallModules.filter((x) => disabledModules.indexOf(x) !== -1).reduce((acc, v) => { acc[v] = { goosemodHandlers: { } }; return acc; }, {}); this.moduleStoreAPI.modules = JSON.parse('goosemodCachedModules')) || []; this.moduleStoreAPI.modules.cached = true; this.settings.makeGooseModSettings(); await this.moduleStoreAPI.initRepos(); this.removed = false; if (!'goosemodCachedModules')) { // If not cached, fetch latest repos await this.moduleStoreAPI.updateModules(true); } let toInstallIsDefault = false; if (toInstallModules.length === 0) { toInstallIsDefault = true; } toInstallModules = toInstallModules.filter((m) => this.moduleStoreAPI.modules.find((x) => === m) !== undefined); let themeModule = toInstallModules.find((x) => x.toLowerCase().includes('theme')); if (themeModule) { toInstallModules.unshift(toInstallModules.splice(toInstallModules.indexOf(themeModule), 1)[0]); } let hardcodedColorFixerModule = toInstallModules.find((x) => x === 'Hardcoded Color Fixer'); if (hardcodedColorFixerModule) { toInstallModules.unshift(toInstallModules.splice(toInstallModules.indexOf(hardcodedColorFixerModule), 1)[0]); } if (toInstallIsDefault) { toInstallModules = ['Fucklytics', 'Custom CSS']; // Base modules } this.updateLoadingScreen('Importing modules from Store...'); const importPromises = []; for (let m of toInstallModules) { // await this.moduleStoreAPI.importModule(m); importPromises.push(this.moduleStoreAPI.importModule(m, disabledModules.includes(m))); } await Promise.all(importPromises); this.cssCache.removeStyle(); if (this.settings.gmSettings.gmBadges) this.gmBadges.addBadges(); if (this.settings.gmSettings.attrs) this.attrs.patch(); this.saveInterval = setInterval(() => { this.moduleSettingsStore.saveModuleSettings(); }, 3000); this.remove = async () => { this.settingsUninjects.forEach((x) => x()); clearInterval(this.saveInterval); clearInterval(this.hotupdateInterval); await; this.removed = true; for (let p in this.modules) { if (this.modules.hasOwnProperty(p) && this.modules[p].goosemodHandlers.onRemove !== undefined) { try { this.modules[p].goosemodHandlers.onRemove(); } catch (e) { } } } }; this.moduleStoreAPI.hotupdate(true); // Hotupdate every hour this.hotupdateInterval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.settings.gmSettings.autoupdate) return; // Check main GM setting this.moduleStoreAPI.hotupdate(); }, 1000 * 60 * 60); this.stopLoadingScreen(); if (this.settings.isSettingsOpen()) { // If settings are open, reopen to inject new GooseMod options this.settings.reopenSettings(); } if (!'goosemodOOTB')) { // First time install await sleep(1000); // Wait for slowdown / Discord loading to ease while (document.querySelector('.modal-3O0aXp')) { // Wait for modals to close (GM changelog, etc) await sleep(100); } this.ootb.start();'goosemodOOTB', true); } ProfileStoreInit(); document.body.classList.add('goosemod'); // Add goosemod class to body for themes }; window.goosemod = {}; init.bind(window.goosemod)();