You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
3.3 KiB

import _Card from './ui/settings/items/card';
import sleep from './util/sleep';
export default () => {
const Card = _Card();
const { React, ReactDOM } = goosemod.webpackModules.common;
const UserProfileModal = goosemod.webpackModules.find((x) => x.default?.displayName === 'UserProfileModal');
const ScrollerClasses = goosemod.webpackModules.findByProps('auto', 'scrollerBase');
goosemod.patcher.patch(UserProfileModal, 'default', (_args, res) => {
const UserProfileTabBar = goosemod.reactUtils.findInReactTree(res.props.children, (x) => x.props?.section);
if (!UserProfileTabBar) return;
goosemod.patcher.patch(UserProfileTabBar, 'type', ([ { user: { id } } ], res) => {
const modules = goosemod.moduleStoreAPI.modules.filter((x) => x.authors.some && x.authors.some((x) => x.i === id));
if (modules.length === 0) return;
const themesItem = goosemod.settings.items.find((x) => x[1] === '')[2];
const pluginsItem = goosemod.settings.items.find((x) => x[1] === '')[2];
const themes = modules.filter((x) => x.tags.includes('theme'));
const plugins = modules.filter((x) => !x.tags.includes('theme'));
const tabbar = res.props.children;
const baseOff = tabbar.props.children[0];
const makeCard = (module) => React.createElement(Card, {
mini: true,
onClick: async () => {
document.querySelector('.backdrop-1wrmKB').click(); // Hide user profile modal
const RoutingUtils = goosemod.webpackModules.findByProps('transitionTo');
RoutingUtils.transitionTo('/store'); // Go to home
await sleep(200);
document.getElementById('gm-home-' + (module.tags.includes('theme') ? 'themes' : 'plugins')).click(); // Go to GM Store themes / plugins page
await sleep(2000); // Wait for cards to lazy load
const cardEl = [...document.querySelectorAll(`.title-31JmR4 + .colorStandard-2KCXvj`)].filter((x) => x.textContent === module.subtext).pop().parentElement;
document.querySelector('#gm-settings-inject').scrollTo({ top: cardEl.offsetTop - 12, behavior: 'smooth' }); // Scroll to card smoothly = '0 0 12px 6px rgb(88 101 242 / 30%)'; // Highlight with message highlight color (improve in future likely)
setTimeout(() => { = '';
}, 15000);
goosemod.patcher.patch(tabbar.props, 'onItemSelect', ([ selected ]) => {
if (!selected.startsWith('GM_')) return;
setTimeout(() => {
const target = document.querySelector(`.body-r6_QPy > :first-child`);
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement('div', {
className: [, 'gm-modules-container'].join(' ')
}, => themesItem.find((y) => === => makeCard(x)), => pluginsItem.find((y) => === => makeCard(x)),
), target);
}, 1);
tabbar.props.children.push(React.cloneElement(baseOff, {
}, '#terms.goosemod.modules#'));
return res;