You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
14 KiB

import { sha512 } from '../util/hash';
import * as JSCache from './jsCache';
import * as IDCache from './idCache';
let goosemodScope = {};
export default {
setThisScope: (scope) => {
goosemodScope = scope;
modules: [],
repos: [],
apiBaseURL: '',
storeApiBaseURL: '',
jsCache: JSCache,
idCache: IDCache,
getSettingItemName: (moduleInfo) => {
let item = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.settings.itemNames.plugins;
if (moduleInfo.tags.includes('theme')) item = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.settings.itemNames.themes;
return item;
hotupdate: async (shouldHandleLoadingText = false) => { // Update repos, hotreload any updated modules (compare hashes to check if updated)
if (shouldHandleLoadingText) goosemodScope.updateLoadingScreen(`Getting modules from repos...`);
await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.updateModules();
await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.updateStoreSetting();
if (shouldHandleLoadingText) goosemodScope.updateLoadingScreen(`Updating modules...`);
const updatePromises = [];
for (const m in goosemodScope.modules) {
const msHash = goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.modules.find((x) => === m)?.hash;
const cacheHash = goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.jsCache.getCache()[m]?.hash;
if (msHash === undefined || cacheHash === undefined || msHash === cacheHash) continue;
// New update for it, cached JS != repo JS hashes
if (shouldHandleLoadingText) goosemodScope.updateLoadingScreen(`Updating modules...\n${m}`);
updatePromises.push(goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.importModule(m, goosemodScope.moduleSettingsStore.checkDisabled(m)).then(async () => {
goosemodScope.showToast(`Updated ${m}`, { timeout: 5000, type: 'success', subtext: 'GooseMod Store' })
await Promise.all(updatePromises);
initRepos: async () => {
const getFirstMeta = async (url) => (await (await fetch(`${url}?_=${}`)).json()).meta;
const getFirstObj = async (url) => ({
enabled: true,
meta: await getFirstMeta(url)
goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.repos = JSON.parse('goosemodRepos')) || [
await getFirstObj(``),
await getFirstObj(``),
await getFirstObj(``),
await getFirstObj(``),
await getFirstObj(``),
updateModules: async () => {
let newModules = [];
goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.repos = (await Promise.all( (repo) => {
if (!repo.enabled) {
return repo;
try {
const resp = (await (await fetch(`${repo.url}?_=${}`)).json());
newModules = newModules.concat( => {
x.repo = repo.url;
return x;
})).sort((a, b) =>;
return {
meta: resp.meta // Update meta
} catch (e) {
goosemodScope.showToast(`Failed to get repo: ${repo.url}`, { timeout: 5000, type: 'error', subtext: 'GooseMod Store' }); // Show error toast to user so they know
return repo;
}))).sort((a, b) => goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.repos.indexOf(a.url) - goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.repos.indexOf(b.url));
goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.modules = newModules;'goosemodRepos', JSON.stringify(goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.repos));'goosemodCachedModules', JSON.stringify(goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.modules));
importModule: async (moduleName, disabled = false) => {
try {
const moduleInfo = goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.modules.find((x) => === moduleName);
const jsCode = await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.jsCache.getJSForModule(moduleName);
const calculatedHash = await sha512(jsCode);
if (calculatedHash !== moduleInfo.hash) {
goosemodScope.showToast(`Cancelled importing of ${moduleName} due to hash mismatch`, { timeout: 2000, type: 'danger', subtext: 'GooseMod Store' });
console.warn('Hash mismatch', calculatedHash, moduleInfo.hash);
await goosemodScope.importModule({
name: moduleName,
data: jsCode,
metadata: moduleInfo
}, disabled);
if (!disabled) {
if (goosemodScope.modules[moduleName].goosemodHandlers.onLoadingFinished !== undefined) {
await goosemodScope.modules[moduleName].goosemodHandlers.onLoadingFinished();
await goosemodScope.moduleSettingsStore.loadSavedModuleSetting(moduleName);
try {
const item = goosemodScope.settings.items.find((x) => x[1] === goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.getSettingItemName(moduleInfo))[2].find((x) => x.subtext === moduleInfo.description);
item.buttonType = 'danger';
item.buttonText = goosemodScope.i18n.discordStrings.REMOVE;
item.showToggle = true;
} catch (e) {
goosemodScope.logger.debug('import', 'Failed to change setting during MS importModule (likely during initial imports so okay)');
// If themes / plugins open
if (document.querySelector(`#gm-settings-inject`)) {
const cardEls = [...document.querySelectorAll(`.title-31JmR4 + .colorStandard-2KCXvj`)].filter((x) => x.textContent === moduleInfo.description).map((x) => x.parentElement);
if (cardEls.length === 0) return;
for (const cardEl of cardEls) {
const buttonEl = cardEl.querySelector(`.colorBrand-3pXr91`);
buttonEl.className = buttonEl.className.replace('lookFilled-1Gx00P colorBrand-3pXr91', 'lookOutlined-3sRXeN colorRed-1TFJan');
buttonEl.textContent = goosemodScope.i18n.discordStrings.REMOVE;
const toggleEl = cardEl.querySelector(`.container-3auIfb`);
} catch (e) {
goosemodScope.showToast(`Failed to import module ${moduleName}`, { timeout: 2000, type: 'error', subtext: 'GooseMod Store' });
moduleRemoved: (m) => {
let item = goosemodScope.settings.items.find((x) => x[1] === goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.getSettingItemName(m))[2].find((x) => x.subtext === m.description);
if (item === undefined) return;
item.buttonType = 'brand';
item.buttonText = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.moduleStore.card.button.import;
item.showToggle = false;
// If themes / plugins open
if (document.querySelector(`#gm-settings-inject`)) {
const cardEls = [...document.querySelectorAll(`.title-31JmR4 + .colorStandard-2KCXvj`)].filter((x) => x.textContent === m.description).map((x) => x.parentElement);
if (cardEls.length === 0) return;
for (const cardEl of cardEls) {
const buttonEl = cardEl.querySelector(`.colorRed-1TFJan`);
buttonEl.className = buttonEl.className.replace('lookOutlined-3sRXeN colorRed-1TFJan', 'lookFilled-1Gx00P colorBrand-3pXr91');
buttonEl.textContent = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.moduleStore.card.button.import;
const toggleEl = cardEl.querySelector(`.container-3auIfb`);
parseAuthors: async (a) => {
let authors = [];
if (typeof a === "string") {
authors = a.split(', ');
} else if (Array.isArray(a)) {
authors = a;
return (await Promise.all( (x, i) => {
if (typeof x === 'object') { // User object
const pfp = `<img style="display: inline; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 5px; vertical-align: bottom;" src="${x.i}/${x.a}.png?size=32">`;
const name = `<span class="author" style="cursor: pointer; line-height: 32px;" onmouseover=" = '#ccc'" onmouseout=" = '#fff'" onclick="try { window.goosemod.webpackModules.findByProps('open', 'fetchMutualFriends').open('${x.i}') } catch (e) { }">${x.n}</span>`; //<span class="description-3_Ncsb">#${result.discriminator}</span></span>`;
return i > 1 ? pfp : pfp + name;
if (x.match(/^[0-9]{17,18}$/)) { // "<id>"
const result = await IDCache.getDataForID(x);
const pfp = `<img style="display: inline; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 5px; vertical-align: bottom;" src="${}/${result.avatar}.png?size=32">`;
const name = `<span class="author" style="cursor: pointer; line-height: 32px;" onmouseover=" = '#ccc'" onmouseout=" = '#fff'" onclick="try { window.goosemod.webpackModules.findByProps('open', 'fetchMutualFriends').open('${}') } catch (e) { }">${result.username}</span>`; //<span class="description-3_Ncsb">#${result.discriminator}</span></span>`;
return i > 1 ? pfp : pfp + name;
let idMatch = x.match(/(.*) \(([0-9]{17,18})\)/); // "<name> (<id>)"
if (idMatch === null) return `<span class="author">${x}</span>`; // "<name>"
return `<span class="author" style="cursor: pointer;" onmouseover=" = '#ccc'" onmouseout=" = '#fff'" onclick="try { window.goosemod.webpackModules.findByProps('open', 'fetchMutualFriends').open('${idMatch[2]}') } catch (e) { }">${idMatch[1]}</span>`; // todo
}))).join('<span class="description-3_Ncsb">,</span> ');
updateStoreSetting: async () => {
let allItems = goosemodScope.settings.items.filter((x) => x[1] === goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.settings.itemNames.plugins || x[1] === goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.settings.itemNames.themes);
for (const i of allItems) {
i[2] = i[2].filter((x) => x.type !== 'card');
for (const m of goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.modules) {
const itemName = goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.getSettingItemName(m);
const item = allItems.find((x) => x[1] === itemName);
const type = m.tags.includes('theme') ? 'themes' : 'plugins';
type: 'card',
tags: m.tags,
github: m.github,
images: m.images?.map((x) => {
if (x.startsWith('/')) {
const baseUrl = m.repo.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
x = baseUrl + x;
return x;
lastUpdated: m.lastUpdated,
buttonType: goosemodScope.modules[] || goosemodScope.disabledModules[] ? 'danger' : 'brand',
showToggle: goosemodScope.modules[] || goosemodScope.disabledModules[],
author: await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.parseAuthors(m.authors),
subtext: m.description,
subtext2: m.version === '0' || m.version.toLowerCase().includes('auto') ? '' : `v${m.version}`,
buttonText: goosemodScope.modules[] || goosemodScope.disabledModules[] ? goosemodScope.i18n.discordStrings.REMOVE : goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.moduleStore.card.button.import,
onclick: async () => {
goosemodScope.settings[`regen${type}`] = true;
if (goosemodScope.modules[] || goosemodScope.disabledModules[]) {
// el.textContent = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.moduleStore.card.button.removing;
goosemodScope.settings.removeModuleUI(, itemName);
// el.textContent = goosemodScope.i18n.goosemodStrings.moduleStore.card.button.importing;
if (m.dependencies && m.dependencies.length > 0) { // If it's the initial (on import) import that means it has been imported before
const mainWord = m.dependencies.length === 1 ? 'dependency' : 'dependencies';
const toContinue = await goosemod.confirmDialog('Continue',
`${} has ${m.dependencies.length === 1 ? 'a ' : ''}${mainWord}`,
`**${}** has **${m.dependencies.length}** ${mainWord}:
${ => ` - **${x}**\n`)}
To continue importing this module the dependencies need to be imported.`,
if (!toContinue) return;
for (const d of m.dependencies) {
await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.importModule(d);
await goosemodScope.moduleStoreAPI.importModule(;
isToggled: () => goosemodScope.disabledModules[] === undefined,
onToggle: async (checked) => {
goosemodScope.settings[`regen${type}`] = true;
if (checked) {
goosemodScope.modules[] = Object.assign({}, goosemodScope.disabledModules[]);
delete goosemodScope.disabledModules[];
await goosemodScope.modules[].goosemodHandlers.onImport();
if (goosemodScope.modules[].goosemodHandlers.onLoadingFinished !== undefined) {
await goosemodScope.modules[].goosemodHandlers.onLoadingFinished();
await goosemodScope.moduleSettingsStore.loadSavedModuleSetting(;
} else {
goosemodScope.disabledModules[] = Object.assign({}, goosemodScope.modules[]);
await goosemodScope.modules[].goosemodHandlers.onRemove();
delete goosemodScope.modules[];