const { get } = require('https'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const fs = require('fs'); console.log('getting manifest...'); get('', async (res) => { let body = ''; res.on('data', (chunk) => { body += chunk.toString(); }); await new Promise((resolve) => res.on('end', resolve)); // Wait to read full body const manifest = JSON.parse(body); const downloadUrl = manifest.full.url; console.log('downloading full.distro...'); get(downloadUrl, async (res) => { let body = []; res.on('data', (chunk) => { body.push(chunk); }); await new Promise((resolve) => res.on('end', resolve)); // Wait to read full body console.log('decompressing...'); body = Buffer.concat(body); body = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(body); fs.writeFileSync('client.tar', body); }); });