const { app, session } = require('electron'); const { readFileSync } = require('fs'); const { join } = require('path'); if (!settings.get('enableHardwareAcceleration', true)) app.disableHardwareAcceleration(); process.env.PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC = process.env.PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC ?? 30; const buildInfo = require('./utils/buildInfo'); app.setVersion(buildInfo.version); // More global because discord / electron global.releaseChannel = buildInfo.releaseChannel; log('BuildInfo', buildInfo); const Constants = require('./Constants'); app.setAppUserModelId(Constants.APP_ID); = 'discord'; // Force name as sometimes breaks const fatal = e => log('Fatal', e); process.on('uncaughtException', console.error); const splash = require('./splash'); const updater = require('./updater/updater'); const moduleUpdater = require('./updater/moduleUpdater'); const autoStart = require('./autoStart'); let desktopCore; const startCore = () => { if (oaConfig.js || oaConfig.css) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived((d, cb) => { delete d.responseHeaders['content-security-policy']; cb(d); }); app.on('browser-window-created', (e, bw) => { // Main window injection bw.webContents.on('dom-ready', () => { if (!bw.resizable) return; // Main window only splash.pageReady(); // Override Core's pageReady with our own on dom-ready to show main window earlier const [ channel, hash ] = oaVersion.split('-'); // Split via - bw.webContents.executeJavaScript(readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'mainWindow.js'), 'utf8') .replaceAll('', hash) .replaceAll('', oaConfig.noTrack) .replace('', (oaConfig.css ?? '').replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll('`', '\\`'))); if (oaConfig.js) bw.webContents.executeJavaScript(oaConfig.js); }); }); desktopCore = require('./utils/requireNative')('discord_desktop_core'); desktopCore.startup({ splashScreen: splash, moduleUpdater, buildInfo, Constants, updater, autoStart, // Just requires appSettings: require('./appSettings'), paths: require('./paths'), // Stubs GPUSettings: { replace: () => {} }, crashReporterSetup: { isInitialized: () => true, metadata: {} } }); }; const startUpdate = () => { const urls = [ oaConfig.noTrack !== false ? 'https://*/api/*/science' : '', oaConfig.noTrack !== false ? 'https://*/api/*/metrics' : '', oaConfig.noTyping === true ? 'https://*/api/*/typing' : '' ].filter(x => x); if (urls.length > 0) session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest({ urls }, (e, cb) => cb({ cancel: true })); const startMin = process.argv?.includes?.('--start-minimized'); if (updater.tryInitUpdater(buildInfo, Constants.NEW_UPDATE_ENDPOINT)) { const inst = updater.getUpdater(); inst.on('host-updated', () => autoStart.update(() => {})); inst.on('unhandled-exception', fatal); inst.on('InconsistentInstallerState', fatal); inst.on('update-error', console.error); require('./winFirst').do(); } else { moduleUpdater.init(Constants.UPDATE_ENDPOINT, buildInfo); }'APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH', () => { if (!process.env.OPENASAR_NOSTART) startCore(); }); let done;'APP_SHOULD_SHOW', () => { if (done) return; done = true; desktopCore.setMainWindowVisible(!startMin); setTimeout(() => { // Try to update our asar const config = require('./config'); if (oaConfig.setup !== true); if (oaConfig.autoupdate !== false) { try { require('./asarUpdate')(); } catch (e) { log('AsarUpdate', e); } } }, 3000); }); splash.initSplash(startMin); }; module.exports = () => { app.on('second-instance', (e, a) => { desktopCore?.handleOpenUrl?.(a.includes('--url') && a[a.indexOf('--') + 1]); // Change url of main window if protocol is used (uses like "discord --url -- discord://example") }); if (!app.requestSingleInstanceLock() && !(process.argv?.includes?.('--multi-instance') || oaConfig.multiInstance === true)) return app.quit(); app.whenReady().then(startUpdate); };