update navigateTo routes API method to deal with dashboard routes that have # id's, and start adding id's to settings items

dperolio 3 years ago
parent 3ab226e90e
commit ac3208df48
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -239,8 +239,38 @@ export default class Routes extends API {
} else {
path = pathOrRouteId;
// Go to route
* Check if it's a Vizality route and has a # in the path.
if (path.startsWith('/vizality/') && path.includes('#')) {
const hash = path.split('#')[1];
* This is bad, but currently it's the only way I really know how to do it.
* We're adding a timeout here so that we can give the new route page elements
* (topOfElement and scroller) time to load into the DOM.
return setTimeout(() => {
const topOfElement = document.querySelector(`#${hash}`)?.offsetTop;
const scroller = document.querySelector('.vz-dashboard-scroller');
* If the elements don't exist at the check, just load the page normally as if
* there was no hash.
if (!topOfElement || !scroller) {
* Try to set the scroller position to the hash element.
return scroller.scroll({ top: topOfElement - 30 });
}, 250);
* Go to the route.
return router.transitionTo(path);
} catch (err) {
return this.error(err);

@ -1,31 +1,40 @@
import React, { memo } from 'react';
import { getModule, getModuleByDisplayName } from '@vizality/webpack';
import { joinClassNames } from '@vizality/util/dom';
import { toKebabCase } from '@vizality/util/string';
import { getCaller } from '@vizality/util/file';
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
import React, { memo } from 'react';
import { FormItem, FormText, Tooltip, Button, Divider } from '..';
* @component
* @returns {React.MemoExoticComponent<function(): React.ReactElement>}
export default memo(props => {
const { note, children, tooltipText, tooltipPosition, success, color, disabled, onClick, button } = props;
const { note, children, tooltipText, tooltipPosition, success, color, disabled, onClick, button, id } = props;
const Flex = getModuleByDisplayName('Flex');
const flex = joinClassNames(Flex.Direction.VERTICAL, Flex.Justify.START, Flex.Align.STRETCH, Flex.Wrap.NO_WRAP);
const { marginBottom20 } = getModule('marginTop20');
const { description } = getModule('formText', 'description');
const { marginBottom20 } = getModule('marginTop20');
const { labelRow, title } = getModule('labelRow');
return (
className={joinClassNames('vz-settings-item', 'vz-settings-button-item', flex, marginBottom20)}>
<div className='vz-settings-button-item-inner'>
<FormItem className={joinClassNames('vz-settings-item', 'vz-settings-button-item', flex, marginBottom20)}>
id={id || `setting-button-${toKebabCase(getCaller())}-${children.toString()}`}
<div className='vz-settings-button-item-info'>
<div className={labelRow}>
<label className={title}>
<motion.label layout='position' className={title}>
<FormText className={description}>
<motion.div layout='position'>
