You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
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/* eslint-disable spaced-comment */ /* eslint-disable multiline-comment-style */
* All of the custom typings used throughout the project. I'm keeping them all stored in a
* single file, because it seems I have to keep this file opened while working on the
* project in order to get proper intellisense for custom types in VSCode. I have spent
* hours trying various way to import the typedefs and have had no luck, so this is my
* solution. In order for it to work, I also had to add the path of the typedefs file
* to jsconfig.json.
* @module Typedefs
* @namespace Typedefs
// Vizality
* @typedef VizalityAPI
* @property {CommandsAPI} commands
* @property {SettingsAPI} settings
* @property {NoticesAPI} notices
* @property {KeybindsAPI} keybinds
* @property {RoutesAPI} routes
* @property {ConnectionsAPI} connections
* @property {I18nAPI} i18n
* @property {RPCAPI} rpc
* @typedef Git
* @property {string} upstream
* @property {string} branch
* @property {string} revision
* Main Vizality class
* @typedef Vizality
* @property {VizalityAPI} api
* @property {AddonManager} manager
* @property {APIManager} apiManager
* @property {Git} git
* @global
// Addons
* @typedef Addon
* @property {string} dir
* @property {string} path
* @property {object} sections
* @property {object} styles
* @property {string} type
* @property {string} addonId
* @property {AddonManifest} manifest
* @typedef AddonType
* @property {('plugin'|'theme')} type
* @typedef AddonManifest
* @property {string} appMode
* @property {AddonManifestAuthor|string} author
* @property {string} description
* @property {string} icon
* @property {string} license
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} version
* @typedef AddonManifestAuthor
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} name
// Discord Module
// Misc
* An object with key value pairs where the key is usually a string (snowflake) and the
* value is usually an object.
* @typedef {object<key, value>} Collection
// Emoji
* Emoji
* @typedef {CustomEmoji|DefaultEmoji} Emoji
* @see {@link discord.emoji}
* Emoji that have been uploaded to a guild.
* @typedef {object} CustomEmoji
* @property {?string} allNameString Emoji name with colons included (can be null only in
* reaction emoji objects)
* @property {?string|Array} [name] Emoji name (can be null only in reaction emoji objects).
* Non-custom (guild) emoji have array names, because they may have more than one name (aliases).
* @property {snowflake} guildId Guild ID where the emoji was created
* @property {snowflake} [id] Emoji ID. Non-custom (guild) emoji do not have an ID.
* @property {boolean} managed Whether the emoji is managed
* @property {boolean} available Whether the emoji is available
* @property {boolean} animated Whether the emoji is animated
* @see {@link discord.emoji.guild}
* "Default" emoji that are inherent to Discord. There are 1741 at the time of writing this.
* @typedef {object} DefaultEmoji
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.emoji.default}
// User
* @typedef {object} User
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.user}
// Message
* @typedef {object} Message
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.message}
* @typedef {object} Attachment
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.message.attachment}
* @typedef {object} Embed
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.message.embed}
// Settings
* @typedef {object} UserSetting
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.settings.user}
// Guild
* Guilds in Discord represent an isolated collection of users and channels, and are often
* referred to as "servers" in the Discord UI.
* <info>It's recommended to see if a guild is available before performing operations or
* reading data from it. You can check this with @see {@link discord.guild#isAvailable}.
* Reasons it may be unavailable are an outage or not currently cached.</info>
* @typedef {object} Guild
* @typedef {object} Member
* @typedef {object} Role
* @property {}
* @see {@link discord.guild.role}
// Channel
* @typedef {object} Channel
// Activity
* @typedef {object} Activity
// Snowflake
* A Twitter snowflake, except the epoch is 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
* ```
* If we have a snowflake '266241948824764416' we can represent it as binary:
* 64 22 17 12 0
* 000000111011000111100001101001000101000000 00001 00000 000000000000
* number of ms since Discord epoch worker pid increment
* ```
* @see {@link|discord.js}
* @typedef {string} snowflake
* A deconstructed snowflake.
* @see {@link|discord.js}
* @typedef {object} DeconstructedSnowflake
* @property {number} timestamp Timestamp the snowflake was created
* @property {Date} date Date the snowflake was created
* @property {number} workerID Worker ID in the snowflake
* @property {number} processID Process ID in the snowflake
* @property {number} increment Increment in the snowflake
* @property {string} binary Binary representation of the snowflake
// Webpack Module
* @typedef {object} WebpackModule
* @property {string} test
// Util Module
// Logger
* @typedef Util.Logger.label
* @type {object}
* @property {string} text Text to show in the label
* @property {string} color Color string in any format (without alpha)
// APIs