You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
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import { readdirSync, statSync } from 'fs';
import { join, parse } from 'path';
import { log, warn, error } from '@vizality/util/logger';
import { Directories } from '@vizality/constants';
export default class APIManager {
constructor () {
this.dir = Directories.API;
this._apis = [];
this._labels = [ 'Manager', 'API' ];
async mount (api) {
try {
api = parse(api).name;
let apiModule;
if (api === 'settings') {
apiModule = await import(join(this.dir, api, 'Settings'));
} else if (api === 'index') {
} else {
apiModule = await import(join(this.dir, api));
const APIClass = apiModule && apiModule.__esModule ? apiModule.default : apiModule;
vizality.api[api.toLowerCase()] = new APIClass();
} catch (err) {
return this._error(`An error occurred while initializing "${api}"!`, err);
async load () {
for (const api of this._apis) {
await vizality.api[api]._load();
async stop () {
try {
for (const api of this._apis) {
await vizality.api[api]._unload(false);
} catch (err) {
return this._error(`There was a problem shutting down ${} API!`, err);
return this._log(`All APIs have been unloaded!`);
async initialize () {
this._apis = [];
const apis =
.filter(file => statSync(join(this.dir, file)));
for (const api of apis) {
await this.mount(api);
await this.load();
/** @private */
_log (...message) { log({ labels: this._labels, message }); }
_warn (...message) { warn({ labels: this._labels, message }); }
_error (...message) { error({ labels: this._labels, message }); }