You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Applies attributes based on the user's current Discord user settings.
* @module Settings
* @memberof Builtin.Attributes.Misc
import { getModule, FluxDispatcher } from '@vizality/webpack';
export const labels = [ 'Misc', 'Settings' ];
export default () => {
const root = document?.documentElement;
const setAttribute = (setting, value) => {
root?.setAttribute(`vz-${setting}`, value);
* Handles when a Discord user settings change is triggered.
* @param {object} settings Discord user settings
const handleSettingsChange = ({ settings }) => {
if (settings?.theme) {
setAttribute('theme', settings.theme);
* We're checking explicitly for true and false values here.
if (settings?.messageDisplayCompact === true) {
setAttribute('mode', 'compact');
} else if (settings?.messageDisplayCompact === false) {
setAttribute('mode', 'cozy');
* Set up the Discord settings attributes we want initially.
handleSettingsChange(getModule('locale', 'theme'));
* Subscribe to Discord's user settings uppdate flux store.
FluxDispatcher?.subscribe('USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE', handleSettingsChange);
* Remove attributes and unsubscribe from Flux on unload.
return () => {
FluxDispatcher?.unsubscribe('USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE', handleSettingsChange);