You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
4.1 KiB

const { existsSync, mkdirSync } = require('fs');
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
const { join } = require('path');
const PluginsDir = join(__dirname, '..', 'addons', 'plugins');
const ThemesDir = join(__dirname, '..', 'addons', 'themes');
const SettingsDir = join(__dirname, '..', 'settings');
let experimentalWebPlatform = false;
let transparentWindow = false;
let settings = {};
* Let's create some directories if they haven't beenm created yet.
if (!existsSync(PluginsDir)) mkdirSync(PluginsDir, { recursive: true });
if (!existsSync(ThemesDir)) mkdirSync(ThemesDir, { recursive: true });
if (!existsSync(SettingsDir)) mkdirSync(SettingsDir, { recursive: true });
* Retrieve some settings value so we can set them here.
try {
settings = require(join(SettingsDir, 'settings.json'));
({ experimentalWebPlatform, transparentWindow } = settings);
} catch (err) {}
module.exports = class PatchedBrowserWindow extends BrowserWindow {
constructor (opts) {
let originalPreload;
if (opts.webContents) {
// General purpose popout windows used by Discord
} else if (opts.webPreferences && (opts.webPreferences.nodeIntegration || opts.webPreferences.preload?.endsWith('splashScreenPreload.js'))) {
// Splash Screen
originalPreload = opts.webPreferences.preload;
// opts.webPreferences.preload = join(__dirname, 'preload', 'splash.js');
} else if (opts.webPreferences && opts.webPreferences.offscreen) {
// Overlay
originalPreload = opts.webPreferences.preload;
// opts.webPreferences.preload = join(__dirname, '..', 'preload', 'main.js');
} else if (opts.webPreferences && opts.webPreferences.preload?.endsWith('mainScreenPreload.js')) {
// Discord Client
originalPreload = opts.webPreferences.preload;
opts.webPreferences.preload = join(__dirname, 'preload.js');
// Transparent window enabled
if (transparentWindow) {
opts.transparent = true;
opts.frame = process.platform === 'win32' ? false : opts.frame;
delete opts.backgroundColor;
// Experimental web platform enabled
if (experimentalWebPlatform) {
opts.webPreferences.experimentalFeatures = true;
const win = new BrowserWindow(opts);
const originalLoadUrl = win.loadURL.bind(win);
Object.defineProperty(win, 'loadURL', {
get: () => PatchedBrowserWindow.loadUrl.bind(win, originalLoadUrl),
configurable: true
// Add events to use with IPC for window maximize and window restore
win.on('maximize', () => win.webContents.send('VIZALITY_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE'));
win.on('unmaximize', () => win.webContents.send('VIZALITY_WINDOW_UNMAXIMIZE'));
* The following code was given by Lighty, thanks Lighty! Ugly, but it works.
* We use this force set some default developer tool settings:
* ---
* Automatically pretty print sources - This is important, because without it, it is very
* slow to load JavaScript sources in dev tools.
* ---
* Turn off JS and CSS source maps - Unneeded.
win.webContents.on('devtools-opened', async () => {
const dtwc = win.webContents.devToolsWebContents;
await dtwc.executeJavaScript(`(${(() => {
if (localStorage.experiments) {
localStorage.experiments = JSON.stringify(
{ sourcesPrettyPrint: true }
} else {
localStorage.experiments = '{"sourcesPrettyPrint":true}';
const { settings } = window.Common;
win.webContents._preload = originalPreload;
return win;
static loadUrl (originalLoadUrl, url, opts) {
if ((/^https:\/\/discord(app)?\.com\/vizality/).test(url)) {
this.webContents.vizalityOriginalUrl = url;
return originalLoadUrl('', opts);
return originalLoadUrl(url, opts);