You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
1.2 KiB

const { promises: { mkdir, writeFile, unlink, rmdir, access } } = require('fs');
const { join, sep } = require('path');
const exists = path =>
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false);
exports.inject = async ({ getAppDir }) => {
const appDir = await getAppDir();
if (await exists(appDir)) {
console.log('\x1b[1m\x1b[31mERROR: \x1b[0mLooks like you already have an injector in place. Try uninjecting (`npm run uninject`) and try again.');
return false;
await mkdir(appDir);
await Promise.all([
join(appDir, 'index.js'),
`require(\`${__dirname.replace(RegExp(sep.repeat(2), 'g'), '/')}/../patch\`)`
join(appDir, 'package.json'),
main: 'index.js',
name: 'discord'
return true;
exports.uninject = async ({ getAppDir }) => {
const appDir = await getAppDir();
if (!(await exists(appDir))) {
console.log('\x1b[1m\x1b[33mWARNING: \x1b[0mThere is nothing to uninject.');
return false;
await Promise.all([
unlink(join(appDir, 'package.json')),
unlink(join(appDir, 'index.js'))
await rmdir(appDir);
return true;