//NOTE: AO3's searching "api" is an absolute clusterfuck. i'm sorry. import Work from "./Work.ts"; import { DOMParser, Element, HTMLDocument } from "../types.d.ts"; export const Ratings = { unrated: 9, generalAudiences: 10, teenAudiences: 11, mature: 12, explicit: 13, }; export const Warnings = { creatorChoseNotToUseArchiveWarnings: 14, noArchiveWarningsApply: 16, graphicDepictionsOfViolence: 17, majorCharacterDeath: 18, noncon: 19, underage: 20, }; export interface SearchParameters { /* * the amount of works to fetch * */ limit?: number; any?: string; title?: string; author?: string; complete?: boolean; single_chapter?: boolean; word_count?: number; language?: string; fandoms?: string[]; characters?: string[]; relationships?: string[]; freeform?: string[]; ratings?: number[]; warnings?: number[]; } export default class Search { #baseApiURL = "/works/search?commit=Search"; #opts: SearchParameters; #session: { get: (path: string) => Promise; }; #document!: HTMLDocument; #DOMParser: DOMParser; results: Work[] = []; #urlConstructor(pageNum = 1) { let url = this.#baseApiURL; url += `&page=${pageNum} &work_search[query]=${this.#opts.any ?? ""} &work_search[title]=${this.#opts.title ?? ""} &work_search[creators]=${this.#opts.author ?? ""} &work_search[complete]=${this.#opts.complete ?? ""} &${ this.#opts.fandoms?.map((v) => `work_search[fandom_names]=${v}`) .join("&") } &${ this.#opts.characters?.map((v) => `work_search[character_names]=${v}` ) .join("&") } &${ this.#opts.relationships?.map((v) => `work_search[relationship_names]=${v}` ) .join("&") } &${ this.#opts.freeform?.map((v) => `work_search[freeform_names]=${v}`) .join("&") }`; return url; } constructor(opts: SearchParameters, session: { get: (path: string) => Promise; }, DOMParser: DOMParser) { this.#session = session; this.#opts = opts; this.#DOMParser = DOMParser; } async update(pageNum: number) { this.results = []; const url = this.#urlConstructor(pageNum); const res = await this.#session.get(url); this.#document = this.#DOMParser.parseFromString( await res.text(), "text/html", ) as HTMLDocument; const limit = this.#opts.limit ?? 20; const elements = this.#document.querySelectorAll("[role='article']"); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { const element: Element = elements[i] as Element; if (i >= limit) { return; } const workId = element.id.replace("work_", ""); const res = await this.#session.get( `/works/${workId}?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true`, ); const work = new Work( workId, await res.text(), this.#session, this.#DOMParser, ); await work.init(); this.results.push(work); } } }