-- plugin-independent configuration, such as autocmds local set = vim.opt -- stylua: ignore start -- Set some stuff up like clipboard and mouse set.termguicolors = true -- Needed for literally any modern colorscheme set.mouse = 'a' -- Mouse support set.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- Use X11 clipboard set.pumheight = 5 -- Uhh whatever the fuck this does set.number = true -- Show line numbers set.tabstop = 4 -- Set up tabs set.shiftwidth = 4 -- See above set.cursorline = false -- colemak rebinds set.langmap='dg,ek,fe,gt,il,jy,kn,lu,nj,pr,rs,sd,tf,ui,yo,DG,EK,FE,GT,IL,JY,KN,LU,NJ,PR,RS,SD,TF,UI,YO,OP,o\\;,O:,\\;p,:P' set.langnoremap = true --stylua: ignore end -- Autocmds