local get_hex = require('cokeline/utils').get_hex local gps = require("nvim-gps") local coq = require "coq" gps.setup() require("indent_blankline").setup { char = "|", buftype_exclude = {"terminal"} } require'lspconfig'.clangd.setup{ coq.lsp_ensure_capabilities() } require'lspconfig'.denols.setup{ coq.lsp_ensure_capabilities() } require'lspconfig'.vls.setup{ cmd = {'/usr/local/bin/vls'}, coq.lsp_ensure_capabilities() } local runtime_path = vim.split(package.path, ';') table.insert(runtime_path, "lua/?.lua") table.insert(runtime_path, "lua/?/init.lua") local sumneko_root_path = '/home/ruthenic/lua-language-server/bin/Linux/' require'lspconfig'.sumneko_lua.setup { cmd = {sumneko_root_path .. "lua-language-server", "-E", sumneko_root_path .. "main.lua"}, coq.lsp_ensure_capabilities({settings = { Lua = { runtime = { version = 'LuaJIT', path = runtime_path, }, diagnostics = { globals = {'vim'}, }, workspace = { library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true), }, telemetry = { enable = false, }, }, }}) } vim.cmd('COQnow -s') require('lualine').setup { options = { icons_enabled = true, theme = 'onedark', component_separators = {'', ''}, section_separators = {'', ''}, disabled_filetypes = {} }, sections = { lualine_a = {'mode'}, lualine_b = {'branch'}, lualine_c = {'filename', { gps.get_location, condition = gps.is_available }}, lualine_x = {'fileformat', 'filetype'}, lualine_y = {'progress'}, lualine_z = {'location'} }, inactive_sections = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {'location'}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {} }, tabline = {}, extensions = {} } -- Credit to the original author of cokeline for creating most of this config require('cokeline').setup({ default_hl = { focused = { fg = get_hex('Normal', 'fg'), bg = get_hex('Background', 'bg'), }, unfocused = { fg = get_hex('Comment', 'fg'), bg = get_hex('Background', 'bg'), }, }, components = { { text = function(buffer) if buffer.is_focused then return '│ ' .. buffer.devicon.icon else return '| ' .. buffer.devicon.icon end end, hl = { fg = function(buffer) return buffer.devicon.color end, }, }, { text = function(buffer) return buffer.unique_prefix end, hl = { style = 'italic', }, }, { text = function(buffer) return buffer.filename .. ' ' end, }, { text = 'X', delete_buffer_on_left_click = true, }, { text = ' ', }, }, })