You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Type definitions for Glob 7.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: vvakame <>
// voy <>
// Klaus Meinhardt <>
// Piotr Błażejewicz <>
// Definitions:
/// <reference types="node" />
import events = require("events");
import minimatch = require("minimatch");
import fs = require("fs");
declare function G(pattern: string, cb: (err: Error | null, matches: string[]) => void): G.IGlob;
declare function G(pattern: string, options: G.IOptions, cb: (err: Error | null, matches: string[]) => void): G.IGlob;
declare namespace G {
function __promisify__(pattern: string, options?: IOptions): Promise<string[]>;
function sync(pattern: string, options?: IOptions): string[];
function hasMagic(pattern: string, options?: IOptions): boolean;
let glob: typeof G;
let Glob: IGlobStatic;
let GlobSync: IGlobSyncStatic;
interface IOptions extends minimatch.IOptions {
cwd?: string | undefined;
root?: string | undefined;
dot?: boolean | undefined;
nomount?: boolean | undefined;
mark?: boolean | undefined;
nosort?: boolean | undefined;
stat?: boolean | undefined;
silent?: boolean | undefined;
strict?: boolean | undefined;
cache?: { [path: string]: boolean | 'DIR' | 'FILE' | ReadonlyArray<string> } | undefined;
statCache?: { [path: string]: false | { isDirectory(): boolean} | undefined } | undefined;
symlinks?: { [path: string]: boolean | undefined } | undefined;
realpathCache?: { [path: string]: string } | undefined;
sync?: boolean | undefined;
nounique?: boolean | undefined;
nonull?: boolean | undefined;
debug?: boolean | undefined;
nobrace?: boolean | undefined;
noglobstar?: boolean | undefined;
noext?: boolean | undefined;
nocase?: boolean | undefined;
matchBase?: any;
nodir?: boolean | undefined;
ignore?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined;
follow?: boolean | undefined;
realpath?: boolean | undefined;
nonegate?: boolean | undefined;
nocomment?: boolean | undefined;
absolute?: boolean | undefined;
fs?: typeof fs;
interface IGlobStatic extends events.EventEmitter {
new (pattern: string, cb?: (err: Error | null, matches: string[]) => void): IGlob;
new (pattern: string, options: IOptions, cb?: (err: Error | null, matches: string[]) => void): IGlob;
prototype: IGlob;
interface IGlobSyncStatic {
new (pattern: string, options?: IOptions): IGlobBase;
prototype: IGlobBase;
interface IGlobBase {
minimatch: minimatch.IMinimatch;
options: IOptions;
aborted: boolean;
cache: { [path: string]: boolean | 'DIR' | 'FILE' | ReadonlyArray<string> };
statCache: { [path: string]: false | { isDirectory(): boolean; } | undefined };
symlinks: { [path: string]: boolean | undefined };
realpathCache: { [path: string]: string };
found: string[];
interface IGlob extends IGlobBase, events.EventEmitter {
pause(): void;
resume(): void;
abort(): void;
export = G;