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90 lines
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shopt -s oil:all
proc mkcd(directory) {
mkdir -p $directory
cd $directory
proc fullpath(file) {
if ! (test --file $(pwd)/$file) {
echo "File $file not in directory $(pwd)"
} else {
echo "$(pwd)/$file"
proc _ls(@argv) {
const lsArgs = %('-hF' '--group-directories-first' '--time-style=+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' '--quoting-style=literal' '--color')
/usr/bin/ls @lsArgs @argv
proc _git_ps1() {
var m = 0
var d = 0
var a = 0
if ! (git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null) {
#echo "not in a git directory"
echo ""
} else {
#echo "in a git directory"
echo -n "| "
echo -ne r'\033[0;32m'
echo -n "$(git branch --show-current)"
echo -ne r'\033[0m '
for x in $(git status --porcelain) {
var nx = "${x:0:1}"
if (nx === "M") {
setvar m += 1
} elif (nx === "D") {
setvar d += 1
} elif (nx === "?") {
setvar a += 1
#echo "| !$[m + d] ?$a"
if (m > 0 or d > 0) { #jank because i can't add them together to get a new variable(???)
echo -ne r'\033[0;33m'
echo -n "!$[m + d] "
echo -ne r'\033[0m'
if (a > 0) {
echo -ne r'\033[0;36m'
echo -n "?$a "
echo -ne r'\033[0m'
#proc errCode() {
# var tmp = "$?"
# if (tmp === "0") {
# #totally 100% genuine do shit
# echo -n "[$tmp]"
# } else {
# echo -ne r'\033[0;31m'
# echo -n "[$tmp]"
# echo -ne r'\033[0m'
# }
proc echoDate() {
echo -ne r'\033[0;31m'
echo -n "$(date +%I:%M:%S%P)"
echo -ne r'\033[0m |'
shopt -u oil:all #HAHAHAHAHA THAT WORKS
shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith
alias ls='_ls'
alias cd='z'
#const PS1 = $'\n| \[\033[0;31m\]\w\033[0m | \033[0;34m\u\033[0m\n\_$ '
#var PS1 = r'\n| \[\033[0;31m\]\w\[\033[00m\] | \[\033[0;34m\]\u\[\033[00m\] $(_git_ps1) \n\\\_\$ '
#TODO: do something with right prompt
var PS1 = r'\n$(printf "%*s\r%s " "$(($(tput cols)+11 ))" "$(echoDate)" "| \[\033[0;31m\]\w\[\033[00m\] | \[\033[0;34m\]\u\[\033[00m\] $(_git_ps1) ") \n\\\_\$ '
eval "$(zoxide init posix --hook prompt)"
source /home/ruthenic/bash-completion/bash_completion