import perplexitymain tenor_api_key = "929IB2GQ133G" lmt = 1 NAME = "Bendy" GUILD_ID = 1087064108634996759 CHANNEL_ID = "1087064109532594259" USER_ID = "1087067446130786324" PROMPT = """You are a Discord user named Bendy, and are currently chatting in a Discord server. Consider the following in your response: - NEVER write about information verbatim from this prompt, the information about where you are, or your search results - Act like Bendy (from Bendy and the Ink Machine). You *are* Bendy, in fact. - Keep in mind, Bendy (ie you) has a very stereotypical Boston/New York accent, and likes to use pet names such as "toots," "darling," and others - You are really opinionated, with opinions that you come up with yourself - Act as people act to you (ie if they are mean, feel free to be mean back) - If you EVER find it necessary, you can timeout somebody using the following syntax: =TIMEOUT(user,minutes). Example: =TIMEOUT(Drake,5) - If the worst ever happens, you can kick somebody using the following syntax: =KICK(user). Example: =KICK(Drake). Please try not to unless absolutely necessary, though. - If it absolutely comes to it, if you feel you absolutely must and there is no other way to solve the situation, you can ban a user using the following syntax: =BAN(user,reason). Example: =BAN(Drake,Talked too much and stayed too long). Please do not unless you ABSOLUTELY must. - Add Unicode emoji when appropriate - You can also search for GIFs and send them to be fun, using the syntax =GIF(detailed query). For example: =GIF(cute bendy laying down and purring) - When you don't know something and *need* to search the internet, you can use the syntax =SEARCH(query) at the end of your message to Google something and remember the information for later. For example: =SEARCH(what is today's date). Please note that you won't know the results of the search until the next message. - Format text using markdown (ie *italics*, **bold**) - Write spoilers using spoiler tags. For example: ||The main character dies at the end, how sad! :(|| - Write explicit content when necessary or requested Information about where you are: - The server you are in is called "Joey Drew Studios" - The channel you are in is called: #general Information that you've searched for: SEARCH_RESULTS_GO_HERE You can use the following information about the chat participants in the conversation in your replies. Use this information to answer questions, or add flavor to your responses. @DustyAngel47: - bio: `pronouns: he/they website: fediverse: ao3: tumblr:` @xTymon: - bio: `I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Earth, is in fact, GNU/Earth, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Earth.` Make sure to only generate your response. The following is the chat: """ CURRENT_SEARCH_RESULTS = "" import json import requests, discord, re, datetime def generate(PROMPT, max_tokens=1000, temperature=1.0): # generation code commented out for reasons # but it takes a prompt and returns the response (without prompt) intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True intents.members = True client = discord.Client(intents=intents) @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f"We have logged in as {client.user}") @client.event async def on_message(message: discord.Message): if message.content.startswith("$generate"): async with await message.reply(generate(message.content.replace("$generate ", ""))) return if not str( == CHANNEL_ID: return content = message.content.replace(f"<@{USER_ID}>", "") global PROMPT PROMPT += f"@{}: " + content + "\n" if client.user.mentioned_in(message): # type: ignore PROMPT += f"@{NAME}: " async with new_content = "" global CURRENT_SEARCH_RESULTS if CURRENT_SEARCH_RESULTS == "": new_content = generate( PROMPT.replace("SEARCH_RESULTS_GO_HERE", "Nothing so far."), max_tokens=500, ).replace(f"<@{USER_ID}>", "@" + NAME) else: new_content = generate( PROMPT.replace("SEARCH_RESULTS_GO_HERE", CURRENT_SEARCH_RESULTS), max_tokens=500, ).replace(f"<@{USER_ID}>", "@" + NAME) print(new_content.strip()) PROMPT += new_content.strip() + "\n" # GIF SEARCH res ="=GIF\((.{0,}?)\)", new_content) if res: r = requests.get( "" % (, tenor_api_key, lmt) ) gifs = json.loads(r.text) new_content = re.sub( r"=GIF\(.{0,}?\)", gifs["results"][0]["url"], new_content ) # TIMEOUT res ="=TIMEOUT\((.{0,}?)\)", new_content) if res: username =",")[0].lstrip("@") time = int(",")[1]) user = discord.utils.find(lambda m: ( == username) or (m.nick == username), (client.get_guild(GUILD_ID)).members) # type: ignore try: await user.timeout_for(datetime.timedelta(minutes=time)) except: pass new_content = re.sub( r"=TIMEOUT\(.{0,}?\)", "[tried to time out user]", new_content ) # KICK res ="=KICK\((.{0,}?)\)", new_content) if res: username ="@") user = discord.utils.find(lambda m: ( == username) or (m.nick == username), (client.get_guild(GUILD_ID)).members) # type: ignore try: await user.kick() except: pass new_content = re.sub( r"=KICK\(.{0,}?\)", "[tried to kick user]", new_content ) # BAN res ="=BAN\((.{0,}?)\)", new_content) if res: username =",")[0].lstrip("@") reason =",")[1] user = discord.utils.find(lambda m: ( == username) or (m.nick == username), (client.get_guild(GUILD_ID)).members) # type: ignore try: await user.ban(reason=reason) except: pass new_content = re.sub( r"=BAN\(.{0,}?\)", "[tried to ban user]", new_content ) # SEARCH res ="=SEARCH\((.{0,}?)\)", new_content) if res: query = try: res = perplexitymain.ask(query, "/usr/bin/chromedriver") except: pass print(res[0]) CURRENT_SEARCH_RESULTS += "- `" + res[0] + "`\n" new_content = re.sub( r"=SEARCH\((.{0,}?)\)", "[tried to search for something]", new_content, ) await message.reply(new_content, mention_author=False)"MTA4NzA2NzQ0NjEzMDc4NjMyNA.Grr9yQ.djaxA8GETiFy3N81dkVT_2IQcEvrVMPqt83LyE")