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162 lines
5.5 KiB

mod config;
mod eval;
mod piece_tables;
mod piece_values;
use chess::Board;
use config::INFO;
use eval::{Board as EvalBoard, Evaluator};
use minimax::{IterativeOptions, ParallelOptions, ParallelSearch, Strategy};
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{process, unimplemented};
use vampirc_uci::parse_one;
use vampirc_uci::{UciMessage, UciOptionConfig, UciTimeControl};
use crate::config::DEFAULT_DEPTH;
struct Options {
pub en_passant: bool,
pub depth: i64,
fn main() {
let mut board: Option<Board> = None;
let mut move_history: Vec<Board> = vec![];
let mut options: Options = Options {
en_passant: false,
depth: DEFAULT_DEPTH.into(),
for line in io::stdin().lock().lines() {
let msg: UciMessage = parse_one(&line.unwrap());
match msg {
UciMessage::Uci => {
UciMessage::Id {
name: Some(INFO.to_name()),
author: Some(INFO.to_author())
UciMessage::Option(UciOptionConfig::Check {
name: "EnPassant".to_owned(),
default: Some(options.en_passant)
UciMessage::Option(UciOptionConfig::Spin {
name: "Depth".to_owned(),
default: Some(options.depth),
min: Some(0),
max: None
UciMessage::UciOk {}
UciMessage::SetOption { name, value } => match name.as_str() {
"EnPassant" => {
options.en_passant = match value.as_deref().unwrap_or_default() {
"true" => true,
"false" => false,
_ => options.en_passant,
"Depth" => {
options.depth = value.unwrap_or_default().parse().unwrap_or(options.depth)
_ => unimplemented!(),
UciMessage::IsReady => {
println!("{}", UciMessage::ReadyOk)
UciMessage::UciNewGame => {
board = Some(Board::default());
move_history = vec![];
UciMessage::Position {
} => {
if startpos {
board = Some(Board::default())
if let Some(fen) = fen {
board = Some(Board::from_str(fen.as_str()).expect("Invalid FEN board"))
if !moves.is_empty() {
for chess_move in moves.iter() {
if let Some(goofy_board) = board {
board = Some(goofy_board.make_move_new(*chess_move));
UciMessage::Go {
} => {
if let Some(tc) = time_control {
match tc {
UciTimeControl::TimeLeft {
white_time: _,
black_time: _,
white_increment: _,
black_increment: _,
moves_to_go: _,
} => {
// FIXME: impl time-related Things
UciTimeControl::Infinite => {
// FIXME: impl
UciTimeControl::Ponder => {
// FIXME: impl
UciTimeControl::MoveTime(_) => {
// FIXME: impl
if let Some(_sc) = search_control {
// FIXME: impl search control things
if let Some(board) = board {
let mut strat = ParallelSearch::new(
.with_table_byte_size(8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
let mov = strat
.choose_move(&EvalBoard {
current_board: board,
board_history: move_history.clone(),
last_move: Default::default(),
println!("bestmove {}", mov);
UciMessage::Stop => {
// FIXME: impl
UciMessage::Quit => {
_ => {
todo!("{}", msg.to_string())