import hikari, lightbulb, json, logging import northstar config = json.load(open("./config.json")) token = config["token"] bot = lightbulb.BotApp(token=token,prefix=None,help_class=None) try: northstarAPI = northstar.northstar() except: logging.warn("FAILED TO INIT NORTHSTAR API: CONTINUING WITH NONE") northstarAPI = None @bot.command @lightbulb.command("ping", "how dead am i", ephemeral=True,guilds=[925509769958162462]) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def ping(ctx) -> None: await ctx.respond(f"Pong! Latency: {bot.heartbeat_latency * 1_000:.0f}ms") @bot.command @lightbulb.command("help", "what the hell do i do",guilds=[925509769958162462]) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def help(ctx) -> None: embed = hikari.Embed(title = "Help") embed.add_field("/ping", "Sends you my latency.") embed.add_field("/search", "Searches for servers.\nOptions:\n`keyword`- Required, what to search for.\n`field`, Optional, tells you what you want to search for. Defaults to `name`.") embed.add_field("/info", "Gives some more info on a server.\nOptions:\n `name`- Required, the exact name of the server.") embed.add_field("/status", "Tells you about the masterserver and some other general stats.") await ctx.respond(embed) @bot.command @lightbulb.option("keyword", "keyword to search for",required=True) @lightbulb.option("field", "what exactly to search for",required=False,default="name") @lightbulb.command("search", "where the hell are those servers",guilds=[925509769958162462]) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def search(ctx) -> None: if northstarAPI == None: await ohshit(ctx) return embed = hikari.Embed(title = "Servers") northstarAPI.updateServers() servers = northstarAPI.searchServers(ctx.options.keyword.lower(), northstarAPI.getServers(), field=ctx.options.field) for server in servers: embed.add_field(server["name"], server["description"]) await ctx.respond(embed) @bot.command @lightbulb.option("name", "the name of the server you want info for",required=True) @lightbulb.command("info", "what the fuck is that server",guilds=[925509769958162462]) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def info(ctx) -> None: if northstarAPI == None: await ohshit(ctx) return northstarAPI.updateServers() servers = northstarAPI.getServers() realServer = None for server in servers: if server["name"] == realServer = server break if realServer == None: await ctx.respond("Server not found!", flags=hikari.MessageFlags.EPHEMERAL) else: server = realServer embed = hikari.Embed(title=server["name"], description=server["description"]) embed.set_footer(server["id"]) embed.add_field("Map", server["map"]) #TODO: convert between raw map names and normal map names embed.add_field("Players", f"{server['playerCount']}/{server['maxPlayers']}") await ctx.respond(embed) @bot.command @lightbulb.command("status", "check out the masterserver info and general stats",guilds=[925509769958162462]) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def status(ctx) -> None: if northstarAPI == None: embed = hikari.Embed(title="status", description="Oh no! The masterserver is/was down. Attempting reconnect...") await ctx.respond(embed) await ohshit(ctx) else: northstarAPI.updateServers() serverCount = 0 playerCount = 0 maxPlayers = 0 for server in northstarAPI.servers: serverCount += 1 playerCount += server["playerCount"] maxPlayers += server["maxPlayers"] embed = hikari.Embed(title="Status", description="Masterserver is running properly!") embed.add_field("Servers online", str(serverCount)) embed.add_field("Players online", f"{playerCount}/{maxPlayers}") await ctx.respond(embed) async def ohshit(ctx): try: northstarAPI.__init__()"ABLE TO RE-INIT NORTHSTAR API") await ctx.respond("We were able to re-init the API! Try your command again.", flags=hikari.MessageFlags.EPHEMERAL) except: logging.warn("STILL CANNOT ACCESS NORTHSTAR API") await ctx.respond("Oh shit, the API is still down. Try again later!", flags=hikari.MessageFlags.EPHEMERAL)