lmao blogs are done now

Drake 2 years ago
parent 9f600c91b4
commit 2f341a4e2b

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if (post.title !== "template") { return (
<a href={post.url} style="text-decoration: none;">
<b>{post.title}</b> - {post.date}<br>

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
layout: ../../layout/BaseBlog.astro
title: So... what happens when we die?
description: But like, I really do want to fuck Angel Dust when I die.
date: Fri, Apr 23 2021
So... what _really_ happens when we die? Do we just... stop existing? Is our consciousness stuck in a black void with our own thoughts? Is there a Heaven? Hell? ~~Are the people on Dr. Oz just making s\*\*t up?~~
Well, chances are the last one is true, but will there ever be a scientifically excepted answer, or will the ideas be relegated to supernatural communities?
Or, how about a better question... What do we _hope_ happens in the afterlife? The nice thing about this question is that... its human. It is impossible to be answered scientifically, because its, no matter how much some groups try to sugarcoat it, an opinion. We will never know what actually happens when Death comes aknocking, unless we die… and you cant really come back from death (although, HMU if you have “died” before and are currently living, I can set up an interview.). Yes, I know that technically you can come back from death, but I mean dead dead. No coming back-dead.
And now the question goes back to where we began...
So... what do I _think_ happens? Well, thinking and hoping is an important distinction to make in this instance. However, if we take the question at face value... realistically, we just stop. We dont think. There is just... nothing. Personally, its very tough for me to conceptualize this. I feel as if there is an important distinction, however; what if we _could_ think? That segways nicely into what I _hope_ happens. Speaking of which, what _do_ I hope happens? Well, the differences of hope and realism dont affect what my very generalized and low-level theory is, which is that it is only a black void. But, the main difference is... either the brain (or rather, your conciousness and its ability to modify the inputs of the senses) or a higher power creates _whatever_ afterlife you truly want. Want Christian heaven? Go right in, God says hi! Want to be reborn? Let the mind create a fake world for your new form to inhabit! Want to go to Hazbin Hotels Hell? Go fuck Angel Dust all you want! Want to have miracuously survived your death, and wake up back in “Reality”? Let your vision slowly fade back in, and rejoice with your (fake) loved ones! Want to go to Christian Hell (for some reason)? Be damned for all eternity! I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Notice how I said fake a few times there? Thats because in this theory, nothing youd experience after death is real. Its all, essentially, a hallucination.
A good way to think about this; once you die, your “brain” has multiple different servers that it can “connect” to, similar to the client/server model used in networking, and each of the “servers” serve up a different after life, I.E. one can serve Hazbins Hell, and another could serve Christian Heaven, etc, etc. When the “brain” connects to this “server,” “Your” (and by you, I mean your consciousness) visual, auditory, tactual, olfactory, gustatory, and even kinesthetic (Im using that as meaning the awareness of the position of your limbs) inputs are “connected” to the server, and are receiving what “you” are seeing, feeling, tasting (potentially even owoing (thats not a sense, but okay me)), and all the others, although of course “you” are not actually in that place, you only feel so. And, if you feel it as your reality… is it any different than true reality?
_Note from the Author: I've been wanting to put my thoughts online about what I think happens upon death for a while now, so I decided to go ahead and write them all down on my blog. I hope you enjoyed, as I plan to create more posts in this "So..." series (name pending)_

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
layout: ../../layout/BaseBlog.astro
title: Gnome, and why it sucks
description: yes, even worse than <i>The new Trio 😈💗💗💗 - Corina Dust 😈😝</i>
date: Mon, Jan 31 2022
If you didn't know, I use Linux. And I, to say the least, do not like Gnome[1]. Filled with header bars the size of Jupiter, no minimize or maximize buttons without an external program, extensions written **IN JAVASCRIPT** that are nearly mandatory for the best experience, being somewhat unoptimized for mouse pointers (we'll get to this later), and performance lower than the JVM on a good day, it's regarded in some circles as the worst DE available for most users. Even with these problems, I will give it complements for adopting Wayland earlier than the LX\*s and XFCE, but that doesn't do much to make up for the complaints I've listed prior, especially when Wayland is still not ready for prime-time quite yet (although I will recommend Pipewire at this point to anyone, even on X11). The HIG does not make this situation better.
#### Human Interface Guidelines
The HIG, similar to Gnome itself, is a restrictive mess. Filled with a book's worth of guidelines compressed into ~50-100 pages (a bit like the HIG wants you to do, eh?), it creates a dystopia of computer programs where everything is a meld of responsive design that leaves traditional mouse and keyboard users in the dust[2][3]. Due to this, most HIG-respecting GTK apps tend to... not work as well as they should. Even with the more general problems GTK has (menu bars i.e. Notepad just not), some of the specifications specified in here are.. kinda bad.
But I don't wanna go too in depth about the HIG here, considering that was the original focus of this article in which I really don't wanna continue doing. So, lets get back to a different topic. Speaking of different topics...
#### Gnome vs System76
This had started *after* I'd started the article... funny coincidence, isn't it? It's the main reason I'm switching the article to focus about Gnome itself instead of just the HIG. Other stuff aside, this has just been a shitshow on both sides. Gnome developers being asshats, System76 developers being asshats, and everyone in-between having a slight chance of being an ass. However, on the scale of asshattery, Gnome developers are definitely higher up in this case (2022 note: I am beginning to agree with this less and less. While I think that GNOME devs were quite rude, Sys76 were possibly even moreso. IMO, it's still up for the jury). However, since I haven't really kept up with the developments and any blogs or tweets are heresay without evidence, and I don't feel like going up through more Gitlab issues than I already have to to make my point about the stylesheet drama (don't worry, it's coming...). However, this Reddit post[4] basically sums up my opinions as of writing this:
> be adults, come to a natural agreement, 2021 could've been the the year of the Linux desktop with contributions coming from every nook and cranny of the community, Valve focusing on making the gaming experience better, while people at Gnome, Canonical and System76 are wasting their valuable time just to play blame games.
> grab a couple beers, iron the issues out in a weekend or two, bring power back to the community, not negativity. let's make the best out of 2022 with productivity than negativity and politics.
#### The Theme Situation, and LibAdwaita
This is a mess overall. After GTK4's introduction, LibHandy was phased out in favour of libadwaita. This has also brought along with it many changes, most notably (for users (and System76, apparently)), a change in the theming API: there was none[5]. Que anger by System76, and other powerusers who themed their apps. This wasquite a bad move, especially for GNOME devs; who wants to be the guy who removed customization potential from a *Linux DE*? As well as this, it furthered GNOME's reputation in being an incredibly opinionated project, thats wants you to do things their way, or to take the highway. Of course this couldn't br farther from the truth, especislly compared to Windows and macOS. But reality cannot stop opinion. Alongside this, a movement began among (some) GNOME app developers: "Stop Theming My App."
It had a fancy badge for READMEs and everything! Sadly (or not), this *did not* land very well among Linuxians. It has now mostly disappeared.
#### Closing Thoughts
GNOME, as a project, has had declining reputation since the move from 2 to 3, which introduced a complete paradigm shift. Only recently has GNOME escalated this willing behaviour to change vital parts of the desktop for some users. Was all of this justified. No. Not at all.
Some extra notes, thoughts, and citations:
\[1] I haven't actually tried Gnome much recently... I only tried it once for this article, and thats about it.
\[2] The HIG is not that bad. At least, not as bad as I make it out to be in some places. While I still personally think it sets a bad precident for any GTK apps, I feel at least some the guidelines makes sense.
\[3] I really should stop talking like Luke Smith before I become a neon\*\*i.
\[4] https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/qqit79/comment/hk2pawk
\[5] I'm not entirely sure of this. The details are blurry due to the biases on everyone's side (including my own). Regardless, there was/is no easy way to define a stylesheet system-wide and require all apps to use it.

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
layout: ../../layout/BaseBlog.astro
title: Why are printers shit?
description: Fuck you, Canon.
date: Mon, Apr 12 2021
Why are printers so terrible? I mean, is it that hard to make a functional product? I know this has been well walked ground, but any printer I've ever used makes me wanna send my head through a wall!
As an example, just today, just 10 minutes ago even, I had to reconnect a printer to the internet. Simple, right? WRONG!
So to start off with, I went to [Canon's website for my printer model](https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/printers/support-inkjet-printer/ts-series/ts3122/pixma-ts3122) to try and find a manual to reconnect it. Issue: I run Linux. None of the manuals are for Linux.
Alright then, why not just use a windows VM? Well, the internet connection would technically be different, so I couldn't connect to the printer with it. Alright then, why can't I use a Windows computer? Well... I don't have any that aren't in use by someone.
Ok fine, I'll just use the phone. Issue: it has no usb port! I couldn't even plug my phone into it to connect it. What the hell?
Regardless, I downloaded the app in an attempt to somehow have the printer use a magical direct connection feature. And guess what? THAT WORKED
With _NO_ indication on the manual, it can just automagically connect to a device on a network it isn't even connected to. How the hell does that even work?
Anyways, lets go back to before I found this out. I tried every other method on the app to get it to connect, and nothing.
Why the hell does this need to be so hard anyways? Why can't the printer manufacturer just include a screen _on_ the printer to connect with? It can't cost that much, considering the amount of money they make off the ink (don't even get me started!)
I'm probably just missing something here, but I got so aggravated (especially because people kept trying to tell me to use the "Network and Sharing options" in Control Panel... even though thats for the computer, not the printer) that I wrote this out of **RAW ANGER**
Fuck you, Canon. (/s)

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
layout: ../../layout/BaseBlog.astro
title: "A Story Of Subliminals: Part I"
description: That moment when you want to learn sex jokes so much you turn to magic audio.
date: Fri, Apr 6 2021
_Hello, and welcome to this "blog post". This is a compilation of all my posts on Discord about subliminals (more specifically, Hazbin Hotel subliminals), with redundant information removed and some slight html improvements added. A part II will eventually come, with the story of me trying subliminals out and seeing if they "work." Until then, enjoy!_
### The first discussion
ah yes
when you are two and know about sex, let alone sex jokes
pretty nonchalant about apparently picking up a whole different set of personality traits
Ah yes, DNA changing-audio
Also, this is probably just a song (what the top comment of this one said) and its relying on the placebo effect
Then again, idk, I'm only looking it comments not listening to it
#### The next day...
Oh god, I found a [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLphswSzFjAqAJp6Wq-IVUzxRKJnKDhF3r) of them
Apparently, people _really_ want their personality to be sex and drugs (2021 note: I do not agree that Angel has no personality other than sex and drugs nowadays, before my email gets spammed by Hazbin fans)
![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729819875228254329/783921289810280448/Screenshot_20201203-000307179_1.jpg?width=631&height=636) ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729819875228254329/783921373865050143/Screenshot_20201203-000327065_1.jpg?width=720&height=485)
Ah, I can learn Italian by listening to a tone! Our scientists should've figured this out by now, it would make Duolingo much better.
Ah yes, it will be reenforced every time I blink, a fullproof solution! Also, this is supposed to other's memories and make people accept this as being my personality? Seems kinda sus to me.
Will it make an alternate universe and send me to it, or something? I don't know how else it would do something like that
This can actually tie in with my placebo theory, as it isn't changing everyone's mind, only changing the users mind (which could theoretically happen)
this comment continued but i didn't have anything to say about it, lets move on.
![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729819875228254329/783924265665298432/Screenshot_20201203-001446666_1.jpg?width=548&height=636) ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729819875228254329/783924396816990228/Screenshot_20201203-001519412_1.jpg?width=582&height=636)
Who the fuck is Roo?
Is this supposed to mean it'll be in your dreams, or something? This is too funny lmao
There was originally a bit about me betting to listen to them, we'll return to that in Part II
We are now on a manifest Alastor subliminal
2021 addition: we will come to know that the people who make these really like making the characters stalk you
`And the blood`, because that is totally in context.
We got a chad creator, listening to their own content... which caused them harm. Good omen.
Ah yes, the most obvious route, making a soul copy! Works everytime, buy one for $9.99 from your local pharmacy!
The following is a direct extract of a conversation from Discord, as it only really works in that context.
cos (a friend of mine)
there dosnt need to be more than one cos
let me tell you
But this cos wouldn't know
like what if we worked together
Because it goes to hell
what kind of sins would we commit?
Who the hell would want an unideal sex life? How does that even work? You could say that you could have a fetish for it, but for someone to indulge in that fetish it would be an ideal sex life? Thats kinda a paradox, not gonna lie.
#### The next day (finally)...
I'm interested to know how this works. Would it just be that they could magically not interact with any phyiscal objects (like imposition in tulpamancy)? Or, is it just not true? Can I filter this affirmation out?
My personal theory (this will come back later) is that the portalling would all take place in a dream, so it wouldn't affect anything IRL. Not to discount the idea that it'll magically give me the ability to create dimensional portals, of course, but still.
hol up
So if I, say, brought my phone into the portal:
1. Would the phone stay realistic, or would it be in a 2.5D artstyle (as I assume the world will look like that)
2. What would happen to cellular service/WiFi near the portal?
3. Following up on the last question, would the phone already be compatible with HellNet (or Hell's internet equivalent)?
Actually, continuing the train of thought in those questions, what would stop me from taking videos in Hell with a phone, and bringing it back IRL and posting it online? I mean, the FBI would be on my trail, along with every government known to Man, but like, I could just go through the portal. Right?
Wait, if I could access IRLnet through the portal (theoretically possible even without WiFi via Ethernet), could I be on a Discord call in Hell? (I promise, I stop talking about this eventually)
Ah, this is good! The people I bring in won't die of the people in Hell (although, they would probably die of shock).
Additionally, what if I wanted to leave my family stuck in Hell? Would it be an undying purgatory, and I'm the only one who can get them out?
We have switched machines at this point btw
So if I stay in Hell, depression just takes a hike? Gonna have to send this to some friends, damn.
_It is finally over. You should be amazed you made it through this. I hope you enjoyed this post, although I doubt it. Have a good day, and keep out for Part II!_

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
layout: ../../layout/BaseBlog.astro
title: hello, world
description: this is a funny description
date: Monday, February 14 2022
title: template
description: description
No way its blog post content
Content here!
