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79 lines
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use valence::prelude::*;
use valence_anvil::{AnvilChunk, AnvilWorld};
pub fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
server: Res<Server>,
dimensions: Query<&DimensionType>,
biomes: Query<&Biome>,
) {
let mut anvil = AnvilWorld::new("world");
let mut instance = Instance::new(ident!("overworld"), &dimensions, &biomes, &server);
tracing::info!("Loading world...");
for z in -25..25 {
for x in -25..25 {
let Ok(Some(AnvilChunk {data, ..})) = anvil.read_chunk(x, z) else {
tracing::warn!("Failed to load chunk ({x}, {z}); could not read Anvil chunk");
let mut chunk = Chunk::new(24);
let Ok(_) = valence_anvil::to_valence(&data, &mut chunk, 4, |_| BiomeId::default()) else {
tracing::warn!("Failed to load chunk ({x}, {z}); could not convert Anvil chunk to Valence chunk");
instance.insert_chunk([x, z], chunk);
tracing::debug!("Successfully loaded chunk at ({x}, {z})")
tracing::info!("Successfully loaded world!");
/* tracing::info!("Filling chests...");
for chunk in instance.chunks() {
for x in 0..16 {
for y in 0..256 {
for z in 0..16 {
let block = chunk.1.block(x, y, z);
if block.state() == BlockState::CHEST {
"found chest: chunk ({},{}), offset ({}, {}, {}), calculated world pos ({}, {}, {})",
x as i32,
y as i32,
z as i32,
(chunk.0.x * 16) + x as i32,
y as i32 + 49,
(chunk.0.z * 16) + z as i32
let mut inventory = Inventory::new(InventoryKind::Generic9x3);
inventory.set_slot(0, ItemStack::new(ItemKind::IronSword, 1, None));
let chest = Chest {
block_pos: BlockPos::new(
(chunk.0.x - 1) * 16 + x as i32,
y as i32 + 49,
(chunk.0.z + 1) * 16 + z as i32,
tracing::info!("Filled all (found) chests!"); */