interface SavedStory { id: string; // in *theory* we could fetch these from the cache, but if it's not there you'd have to wait years to open the homepage lol name: string; coverURL: string; } export default () => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-types const oldOnloadHandler: Function = window.onload ?? (() => {}); window.onload = () => { oldOnloadHandler(); // Sync to position button const position = localStorage.getItem( (new URL(document.URL)).searchParams.get( "id", ) as string + "_progress", ); if (position) { const buttonsList = document.getElementById("detail-buttons"); const buttonEle = document.createElement("button"); buttonEle.className = "favorite-story-button"; buttonEle.textContent = "Sync to story position"; buttonEle.onclick = () => { const currURL = new URL(document.location.href); currURL.searchParams.set("chapter", position); window.location.href = currURL.toString(); }; buttonsList?.appendChild(buttonEle); } // Favorite button const button = document.getElementById("favorite"); if (!button) throw "how did your button not init what"; let savedStories: SavedStory[] = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("savedStories") ?? "[]", ); function handler() { if (button?.textContent === "Favorite") { savedStories.push({ id: (new URL(document.URL)).searchParams.get( "id", ) as string, name: document.getElementById("storyname") ?.textContent as string, coverURL: (document.getElementById( "storycover", ) as HTMLImageElement) .src, }); button.textContent = "Unfavorite"; } else if (button?.textContent === "Unfavorite") { savedStories = savedStories.filter((story) => !== (new URL(document.URL)).searchParams.get("id") ); button.textContent = "Favorite"; } localStorage.setItem("savedStories", JSON.stringify(savedStories)); } if ( savedStories.filter((story) => === (new URL(document.URL)).searchParams.get("id") ).length > 0 ) { button.textContent = "Unfavorite"; } button.onclick = handler; }; };