import sass from ""; import { Story } from "../wattpad.ts"; import { h, PropsWithChildren } from "../jsx.ts"; import Header from "../components/Header.tsx"; import VR from "../components/VerticalLine.tsx"; interface StoryProps { story: Story; currentHref: string; style?: string; stylepath?: string; } export default (props: PropsWithChildren) => { let chaptersInHeader: { name: string; href: string; element?: unknown }[] = [ { name: "Homepage", href: `/` }, { name: "", href: "", element: }, { name: "Details", href: `/story?id=${}` }, { name: "", href: "", element: } ]; chaptersInHeader = chaptersInHeader.concat(, i) => ({ name: ch.title, href: `/story?id=${}&chapter=${i}` })) ); const isChapter = props.currentHref.includes("chapter="); // FIXME: shouldn't be hardcoded const currentURL = new URL( "" + props.currentHref ); const chapterNum = Number(currentURL.searchParams.get("chapter") ?? 0); return ( {/* favicon stuff generated with */} {isChapter ? ( ) : ( )} {isChapter ? ( props.story.chapters[0].partJSON.photoUrl ? ( ) : undefined ) : undefined} {isChapter ? ( props.story.chapters[0].partJSON.videoId ? ( ) : undefined ) : undefined} {isChapter ? undefined : ( ", "\n") } /> )} {} {(() => { if (! = ""; if (props.stylepath) += Deno.readTextFileSync(props.stylepath); else return
; return ; })()}
); };