import Wattpad from "../mod.ts"; import { assert, AssertionError, } from ""; export default function test(watt: Wattpad) { Deno.test("chapters", async (test) => { const work = watt.getStory("327425279"); await work.init(); await test.step("initialization", async () => { assert( work.chapters.length > 0, "chapters array is not initialized", ); try { await work.chapters[0].init(); await work.chapters[3].init(); } catch { throw new AssertionError("failed to initialize chapters"); } }); await test.step("IDs", () => { assert( work.chapters[0].id === "1288785987", "incorrect chapter ID", ); assert( work.chapters[0].workID === "327425279", "incorrect work ID", ); //why do we even store the work's ID publicly in a chapter? }); await test.step("name", () => { assert( work.chapters[0].name === "Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Studio", "incorrect/missing chapter names", ); }); await test.step("content", () => { //FIXME: this should probably be tested better assert( (work.chapters[0].text).length > 0, "text/content is completely missing", ); }); }); }