You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
3.0 KiB

import { newSession } from "./utils/http.ts";
export type Session = ReturnType<typeof newSession>;
export interface StoryJSON {
id: string;
title: string;
length: number;
createDate: string;
modifyDate: string;
voteCount: number;
readCount: number;
commentCount: number;
language: Language;
user: SearchUser;
description: string;
cover: string;
completed: boolean;
categories: number[];
tags: string[];
rating: number;
copyright: number;
url: string;
numParts: number;
lastPublishedPart: LastPublishedPart;
parts: Part[];
deleted: boolean;
tagRankings: TagRanking[];
highlight_colour: string;
promoted: boolean;
isAdExempt: boolean;
story_text_url: TextURL;
isPaywalled: boolean;
paidModel: string;
export interface Language {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface LastPublishedPart {
createDate: string;
export interface Part {
id: number;
title: string;
url: string;
createDate: string;
modifyDate: string;
length: number;
videoId: string;
photoUrl: string;
commentCount: number;
voteCount: number;
readCount: number;
wordCount: number;
text_url: TextURL;
deleted?: boolean;
export interface TextURL {
text: string;
export interface TagRanking {
name: string;
rank: number;
total: number;
export interface SearchUser {
name: string;
avatar: string;
fullname: string;
export interface SearchResults {
nextUrl: string;
stories: SearchStory[];
tags: SearchTag[];
total: number;
export interface SearchStory {
completed: boolean;
cover: string;
description: string;
id: string;
isPaywalled: boolean;
lastPublishedPart: LastPublishedPart;
mature: boolean;
numParts: number;
paidModel: null;
readCount: number;
tags: string[];
title: string;
user: SearchUser;
voteCount: number;
export interface SearchUser {
name: string;
export interface SearchTag {
count: number;
id: string;
name: string;
export interface UserJSON {
username: string;
avatar: string;
isPrivate: boolean;
backgroundUrl: string;
follower: boolean;
following: boolean;
followerRequest: string;
followingRequest: string;
safety: Safety;
name: string;
description: string;
genderCode: string;
language: number;
createDate: string;
location: string;
verified: boolean;
ambassador: boolean;
facebook: string;
twitter: string;
website: string;
votesReceived: number;
numStoriesPublished: number;
numFollowing: number;
numFollowers: number;
numLists: number;
verified_email: boolean;
is_staff: boolean;
highlight_colour: string;
programs: Programs;
externalId: string;
showSocialNetwork: boolean;
export interface Programs {
wattpad_stars: boolean;
wattpad_circle: boolean;
export interface Safety {
isMuted: boolean;
isBlocked: boolean;