#include #include #include #include /* * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * For more information, please refer to * */ #define VERSION "0.45" typedef struct { size_t position; size_t size; char *data; } Buffer; struct closeThings { bool Bold; bool Italics; bool Strikethrough; bool Monospace; bool Underline; }; void reallocBuffer(Buffer *buffer) { buffer->size += 1024; buffer->data = realloc(buffer->data,buffer->size+1); /* Adding one ensures we always have a null terminator */ if (!buffer->data) { printf("Error realloc-ing buffer!"); exit(1); } } /* Yes I am not using most of these at the moment but I might in the future so they shall remain */ void checkBufSafety(Buffer *buffer) { if ((buffer->size < (buffer->position - 64)) || ((buffer->size - 64) < 0)) { reallocBuffer(buffer); } } void appendBufferToBuffer(Buffer *buffer, Buffer *dataBuffer) { for (size_t i = 0;i < dataBuffer->size;i++) { if (dataBuffer->data[i] == 0x00) break; /* stop on NULL */ buffer->data[buffer->position] = dataBuffer->data[i]; buffer->position++; checkBufSafety(buffer); } } void appendCharPToBuffer(char *string, Buffer *buffer) { size_t stringLen = strlen(string); for (size_t i = 0;i < stringLen;i++) { checkBufSafety(buffer); buffer->data[buffer->position+i] = string[i]; buffer->position++; } } void appendCharToBuffer(char character, Buffer *buffer) { buffer->data[buffer->position] = character; buffer->position++; checkBufSafety(buffer); } /* I'm gonna leave this as a define for now */ #define checkCloseAndPrint(thing,openTxt,closeTxt) \ if (close->thing) { \ fputs(closeTxt,stdout); \ close->thing = 0; \ } else { \ fputs(openTxt,stdout); \ close->thing = 1; \ } void getFormattingAndPrint(char character,struct closeThings *close) { int characterInt; int cont; switch (character) { case '\\': /* character escaping */ putc((char)fgetc(stdin),stdout); break; case '*': /* bold */ checkCloseAndPrint(Bold,"",""); break; case '/': /* italics */ checkCloseAndPrint(Italics,"",""); break; case '`': /* monospace */ checkCloseAndPrint(Monospace,"",""); break; case '~': /* strikethrough */ checkCloseAndPrint(Strikethrough,"",""); break; case '_': /* underline */ checkCloseAndPrint(Underline,"",""); break; case '\n': /* convert newlines */ puts("
"); break; case '[': /* links */ ;Buffer linkTxt; linkTxt.size = 1024; linkTxt.position = 0; linkTxt.data = calloc(linkTxt.size+1,sizeof(char)); Buffer linkLoc; linkLoc.size = 1024; linkLoc.position = 0; linkLoc.data = calloc(linkLoc.size+1,sizeof(char)); characterInt = '\n'; cont = 0; while (1) { characterInt = fgetc(stdin); character = (char)characterInt; if (characterInt == EOF) { puts("Stream ended before link text finished!"); exit(1); } if (character == '\\') { cont = 1; continue; } if (cont) { cont = 0; checkBufSafety(&linkTxt); appendCharToBuffer(character,&linkTxt); continue; } checkBufSafety(&linkTxt); appendCharToBuffer(character,&linkTxt); if (character == ']') break; } linkTxt.data[--linkTxt.position] = 0; fgetc(stdin); /* Get past the '(' in the location */ while (1) { characterInt = fgetc(stdin); character = (char)characterInt; if (characterInt == EOF) { puts("Stream ended before link location finished!"); exit(1); } if (character == '\\') { cont = 1; continue; } if (cont) { cont = 0; checkBufSafety(&linkLoc); appendCharToBuffer(character,&linkLoc); continue; } checkBufSafety(&linkLoc); appendCharToBuffer(character,&linkLoc); if (character == ')') break; } linkLoc.data[--linkLoc.position] = 0; printf("%s",linkLoc.data,linkTxt.data); free(linkLoc.data); free(linkTxt.data); break; case '{': /* images */ ;Buffer imgTxt; imgTxt.size = 1024; imgTxt.position = 0; imgTxt.data = calloc(imgTxt.size+1,sizeof(char)); Buffer imgLoc; imgLoc.size = 1024; imgLoc.position = 0; imgLoc.data = calloc(imgLoc.size+1,sizeof(char)); characterInt = '\n'; cont = 0; while (1) { characterInt = fgetc(stdin); character = (char)characterInt; if (characterInt == EOF) { puts("Stream ended before link text finished!"); exit(1); } if (character == '\\') { cont = 1; continue; } if (cont) { cont = 0; checkBufSafety(&imgLoc); appendCharToBuffer(character,&imgLoc); continue; } checkBufSafety(&imgLoc); appendCharToBuffer(character,&imgLoc); if (character == '}') break; } imgLoc.data[--imgLoc.position] = 0; fgetc(stdin); /* Get past the '(' in the alt text */ while (1) { characterInt = fgetc(stdin); character = (char)characterInt; if (characterInt == EOF) { puts("Stream ended before link location finished!"); exit(1); } if (character == '\\') { cont = 1; continue; } if (cont) { cont = 0; checkBufSafety(&imgTxt); appendCharToBuffer(character,&imgTxt); continue; } checkBufSafety(&imgTxt); appendCharToBuffer(character,&imgTxt); if (character == ')') break; } imgTxt.data[--imgTxt.position] = 0; printf("\"%s\"",imgTxt.data,imgLoc.data); free(imgTxt.data); free(imgLoc.data); break; default: /* it is a normal character print to stdout */ putc(character,stdout); break; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argv; /* this stops it from yelling at me :) */ if (argc > 1) { fputs( "txtToHTML V"VERSION"\n" /* god I love the way C handles strings in the compiler */ " Usage:\n" " cat coolthing.txt | txtToHTML > coolthing.html\n" " Special characters:\n" " * = bold\n" " / = italic\n" " ` = monospace\n" " ~ = strikethrough\n" " _ = underline\n" " Markdown style links are available/\n" " You can create images like so:\n" " {https://image.location/img.gif}(Required alt text)\n" " Alt text is required for images.\n" " you can escape any character with \\ and it will not be used for formatting\n", stderr); exit(1); } char character = 'a'; int characterInt = 'a'; struct closeThings close = {0,0,0,0,0}; /* Make sure it starts as zero so we do not get fucky shit */ while (1) { characterInt = fgetc(stdin); character = (char)characterInt; if (characterInt == EOF) break; getFormattingAndPrint(character,&close); } puts(""); fflush(stdout); return 0; }