You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
7.1 KiB

const cp = require('child_process');
const { app } = require('electron');
const Module = require('module');
const { join, dirname, basename } = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const zlib = require('zlib');
const { releaseChannel: channel, version: hostVersion } = buildInfo;
const exec = process.execPath;
const exeDir = dirname(exec);
const platform = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'win' : (process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'osx' : 'linux');
const modulesPath = platform === 'win' ? join(exeDir, 'modules') : join(userData, 'modules');
const pendingPath = join(modulesPath, '..', 'pending');
const handleInstalled = dir => {
const inst = dir.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.split('-')[1]) - parseInt(b.split('-')[1]))
.concat('host-' + parseInt(hostVersion.split('.').pop()))
.reduce((acc, x) => {
const [ name, version ] = x.split('-');
acc[name] = parseInt(version);
return acc;
}, {});
Module.globalPaths = => join(modulesPath, x));
return _installed = inst;
let _installed;
const getInstalled = async (useCache = true) => (useCache && _installed) || handleInstalled(await fs.promises.readdir(modulesPath).catch(_ => []));
const MU_ENDPOINT = oaConfig.muEndpoint ?? '';
const https = MU_ENDPOINT.startsWith('https') ? require('https') : require('http');
let _manifest;
let lastManifest;
const getManifest = async () => {
const manifestTime = Math.floor( / 1000 / 60 / 5); // cache for ~5m, client and server
if (_manifest && lastManifest >= manifestTime) return _manifest;
return await new Promise(fin => https.get(`${MU_ENDPOINT}/${platform}/${channel}/modules.json?_=${manifestTime}`, async res => {
let data = '';
res.on('data', d => data += d.toString());
res.on('end', () => {
const modules = JSON.parse(data);
fin(_manifest = {
required_modules: [ 'discord_desktop_core', 'discord_erlpack', 'discord_spellcheck', 'discord_utils', 'discord_voice', 'open_react_devtools' ]
lastManifest = manifestTime;
let progressCallback;
const installModule = async (name, force = false) => { // install module
log('Updater', `Installing ${name}...`);
const start =;
const localVersion = (await getInstalled())[name];
const version = (await getManifest()).modules[name];
if (!force && localVersion === version) return log('Updater', 'Already installed', name);
log('Updater', `Downloading ${name}@${version}`);
const path = `${name}-${version}`;
const tarPath = join(pendingPath, path + '.tar');
const finalPath = name === 'host' ? join(exeDir, '..', 'app-1.0.' + version) : join(modulesPath, path, name);
// await fs.promises.mkdir(dirname(tarPath)).catch(_ => {});
const stream = zlib.createBrotliDecompress();
const progressCb = (type, current, total) => progressCallback({
state: current === total ? 'Complete' : type,
task: {
['Module' + type]: {
version: { module: { name } }
current, total,
percent: (current / total) * 100
let downloadTotal = 0, downloadCurrent = 0;
https.get(`${MU_ENDPOINT}/${platform}/${channel}/${name}?v=${version}`, res => { // query for caching
downloadTotal = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'] ?? 1, 10);
res.on('data', c => {
downloadCurrent += c.length;
progressCb('Download', downloadCurrent, downloadTotal);
await new Promise(res => stream.on('end', res));
progressCb('Download', downloadTotal, downloadTotal);
log('Updater', `Downloaded ${name}@${version}`);
await fs.promises.mkdir(finalPath, { recursive: true }).catch(_ => {});
const proc = cp.execFile(platform === 'win' ? 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\tar.exe' : 'tar', [ '-xf', tarPath, '-C', finalPath]);
await new Promise(res => proc.on('close', res));
progressCb('Install', 1, 1);
log('Updater', `Installed ${name}@${version} in ${( - start).toFixed(2)}ms`);
if (localVersion && name !== 'host') fs.promises.rm(join(modulesPath, name + '-' + localVersion), { recursive: true }); // delete old module (later)
getInstalled(false); // update installed cache (later)
return [ name, version, finalPath ];
const restartInto = x => {
log('Updater', 'Restarting into', x);
process.once('exit', () => cp.spawn(join(x, basename(exec)), [], {
detached: true,
stdio: 'inherit'
app.exit(); // immediately exit
return new Promise(() => {});
let lastCheck, checking;
const updateToLatestWithOptions = async (options, callback) => {
progressCallback = callback;
if (checking || lastCheck > - 5000) return; // don't check again if already checked in the last 5s
checking = true;
let installed = await getInstalled();
const manifest = await getManifest();
if (platform === 'win' && options.restart) { // manage app dirs on startup
const installDir = join(exeDir, '..');
const otherApps = fs.readdirSync(installDir).filter(x => x.startsWith('app-') && x !== basename(dirname(exec))).map(x => parseInt(x.split('.').pop()));
const wanted =;
for (const x of otherApps.filter(x => x !== wanted)) { // delete older app dirs
const p = join(installDir, 'app-1.0.' + x);
log('Updater', 'Deleting old app dir', p);
fs.promises.rm(p, { recursive: true });
if (otherApps.includes(wanted)) {
const p = join(installDir, 'app-1.0.' + wanted);
await restartInto(p);
const wanted = Object.keys(installed).concat(manifest.required_modules).filter((x, i, arr) => i === arr.indexOf(x)); // installed + required
log('Updater', 'Installed:', Object.keys(installed).map(x => `${x}@${installed[x]}`).join(', '));
log('Updater', 'Wanted:', wanted.join(', '));
let installs = [];
for (const m of wanted) {
const local = installed[m] ?? -1;
const remote = manifest.modules[m];
if (remote && remote !== local) { // allow downgrading (!= not >)
log('Updater', 'Update:', m, local, '->', remote);
const start =;
installs = await Promise.all(installs);
if (installs.length > 0) log('Updater', `Updated ${installs.length} modules in ${( - start).toFixed(2)}ms`);
const hostInstall = installs.find(x => x[0] === 'host');
if (hostInstall && options.restart) {
const [ ,, path ] = hostInstall;
await restartInto(path);
lastCheck =;
checking = false;
log('Updater', 'Modules path:', modulesPath);
fs.rmSync(pendingPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
fs.mkdirSync(pendingPath, { recursive: true });
const events = new (require('events').EventEmitter)();
module.exports = {
getUpdater: () => ({
valid: true,
commitModules: () => {},
queryCurrentVersions: async () => ({
current_modules: await getInstalled()
queryAndTruncateHistory: () => []
requireNative: (mod, path = '') => require(join(modulesPath, mod + '-' + handleInstalled(fs.readdirSync(modulesPath))[mod], mod, path))