You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.3 KiB

if ('<notrack>' === 'true') { // Disable sentry
try {
window.__SENTRY__.hub.getClient().getOptions().enabled = false;
Object.keys(console).forEach(x => console[x] = console[x].__sentry_original__ ?? console[x]);
} catch { }
let lastBgPrimary = '';
const themesync = async () => {
const getVar = (name, el = document.body) => el && (getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(name) || getVar(name, el.parentElement))?.trim();
const bgPrimary = getVar('--background-primary');
if (!bgPrimary || bgPrimary === '#36393f' || bgPrimary === '#fff' || bgPrimary === lastBgPrimary) return; // Default primary bg or same as last
lastBgPrimary = bgPrimary;
const vars = [ '--background-primary', '--background-secondary', '--brand-experiment', '--header-primary', '--text-muted' ];
let cached = await DiscordNative.userDataCache.getCached() || {};
const value = `body { ${vars.reduce((acc, x) => acc += `${x}: ${getVar(x)}; `, '')} }`;
const pastValue = cached['openasarSplashCSS'];
cached['openasarSplashCSS'] = value;
if (value !== pastValue) DiscordNative.userDataCache.cacheUserData(JSON.stringify(cached));
// Settings injection
setInterval(() => {
const host = [...document.querySelectorAll('[class*="info-"] [class*="line-"]')].find(x => x.textContent.startsWith('Host '));
if (!host || document.querySelector('#openasar-ver')) return;
const oaVersion = host.cloneNode(true); = 'openasar-ver';
oaVersion.textContent = 'OpenAsar <channel> <hash>';
oaVersion.onclick = () => DiscordNative.ipc.send('DISCORD_UPDATED_QUOTES', 'o');
host.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', oaVersion);
const advanced = document.querySelector('[class*="socialLinks-"]').parentElement.querySelectorAll('[class*="separator-')[2].previousElementSibling;
if (!advanced) return;
const oaSetting = advanced.cloneNode(true);
oaSetting.textContent = 'OpenAsar';
oaSetting.onclick = oaVersion.onclick;
advanced.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', oaSetting);
}, 1000);
const injCSS = x => {
const el = document.createElement('style');
openasar = {}; // Define global for any mods which want to know / etc
setInterval(() => { // Try init themesync
try {
} catch (e) { }
}, 10000);