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58 lines
1.9 KiB

const { writeFileSync, readFileSync, readdirSync } = require('fs');
const { join } = require('path');
const stripCode = (code) => code
.replace(/(^| )\/\/.*$/gm, '')
.replaceAll('const ', 'const~')
.replaceAll('let ', 'let~')
.replaceAll('var ', 'var~')
.replaceAll('class ', 'class~')
.replace(/get [^=}]/g, _ => _.replaceAll(' ', '~'))
.replaceAll('delete ', 'delete~')
.replaceAll(' extends ', '~extends~')
.replaceAll('typeof ', 'typeof~')
.replaceAll(' of ', '~of~')
.replaceAll(' in ', '~in~')
.replaceAll('case ', 'case~')
.replaceAll('await ', 'await~')
.replaceAll('new ', 'new~')
.replaceAll('return ', 'return~')
.replaceAll('function ', 'function~')
.replaceAll('void ', 'void~')
.replaceAll('throw ', 'throw~')
.replaceAll('async ', 'async~')
.replaceAll('else ', 'else~')
.replaceAll('false', '!1')
.replaceAll('true', '!0')
.replace(/((['"`])[\s\S]*?\2)|[ \n]/g, (_, g1) => g1 || '')
.replaceAll('~', ' ')
.replaceAll('? ?', '??');
const fixHtml = (code) => code
.replaceAll(' loop', '~loop')
.replaceAll(' autoplay', '~autoplay')
.replaceAll(' src', '~src')
.replaceAll(' id', '~id');
const stripJs = (path) => writeFileSync(path, stripCode(readFileSync(path, 'utf8')));
const stripHtml = (path) => writeFileSync(path, stripCode(fixHtml(readFileSync(path, 'utf8'))));
const minJson = (data) => {
if (data.description) delete data.description;
return data;
const stripJson = (path) => writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(minJson(JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, 'utf8')))));
const tree = (dirPath) => readdirSync(dirPath).forEach((x) => {
const path = join(dirPath, x);
if (x.endsWith('.js')) return stripJs(path);
if (x.endsWith('.json')) return stripJson(path);
if (x.endsWith('.html')) return stripHtml(path);
if (!x.includes('.')) return tree(path);
tree(join(__dirname, '..', 'src'));