You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Vizality
Vizality is an @discord client modification that is based off of Powercord.
### What is Vizality?
Vizality is a client modification for the Discord desktop app, meant to give it enhanced customization of features and appearance. Client modifications are technically against Discord's Terms of Service, so use it at your own risk.
### Installation
* Node.js (Latest or LTS)
* Git
* Discord Stable (Canary and PTB are not supported)
Installation (Windows):
* Clone the repository using git with this command: `git clone`
* Run `cd vizality`
* Run `npm run setup`
* And restart your discord client **completely** through the system tray.
Installation (\*nix):
* Clone the repository using git with this command: `git clone`
* Run `cd vizality`
* Run `npm run setup:sudo` **as root**
* And restart your discord client **completely** through the system tray.
### Uninstallation
Uninstallation (Windows):
* Go to the Vizality's folder using `cd` command.
* Run `npm run setup`
* And restart your discord client **completely** through the system tray.
Uninstallation (\*nix):
* Go to the Vizality's folder using the `cd` command.
* Run `npm run setup:sudo` **as root**
* And restart your discord client **completely** through the system tray.
### Support
You can reach out to us on our Discord support server [here]( if you need any support.
### Warning
Vizality is in a unfinished alpha state. Please report any bugs at our [Discord server]( or in the [issues](