`ls`: add proper short option handling.

Now a command such as `ls -caC` is valid, and will be interpreted the same as `ls --color --all --columns`
Drake 3 years ago
parent 39f3cc2ec2
commit e05c4f8d22

@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--color") || !strcmp(arg, "--colour")) {
colour = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-a") || !strcmp(arg, "--all")) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--all")) {
showdot = true;
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-C") || !strcmp(arg, "--columns")) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--columns")) {
maxLen = 0;
} else if (startsWithStr("--width", arg)) {
char widthstr[100]; // if someone has a longer width than this, then owo
@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
maxLen = atoi(widthstr);
} else if (arg[0] == '-') {
for (int i = 1; (size_t)i < strlen(arg); i++) {
if (arg[i] == 'c') {
colour = true;
} else if (arg[i] == 'C') {
maxLen = 0;
} else if (arg[i] == 'a') {
showdot = true;
} else {
// TODO: interpret absolute *and* relative paths. can't be that hard,
// right?
