You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
972 B

rm -rf miniSrc
mkdir miniSrc
npx esbuild ./src --bundle --platform=node --external:electron --external:original-fs --external:auto-updater --outfile=miniSrc/index.js
npx esbuild ./src/splash/preload.js --bundle --platform=node --external:electron --external:original-fs --external:auto-updater --outfile=miniSrc/preload.js
npx uglifyjs --compress --mangle --toplevel -o miniSrc/index.js -- miniSrc/index.js
npx uglifyjs --compress --mangle --toplevel -o miniSrc/preload.js -- miniSrc/preload.js
npx uglifyjs --compress --mangle --toplevel -o miniSrc/mainWindowInject.js -- src/mainWindowInject.js
npx html-minifier --collapse-whitespace --remove-comments --remove-script-type-attributes --remove-tag-whitespace --minify-css true --minify-js true -o miniSrc/index.html -- src/splash/index.html
# cp src/splash/index.html miniSrc/
cp src/package.json miniSrc/package.json
npx minify-json miniSrc/package.json
npx asar pack miniSrc minified.asar
rm -rf miniSrc