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const path = require('path');
const windowsUtils = require('../utils/windowsUtils');
const retainAsar = require('./retainAsar');
const appSettings = require('../appSettings');
const settings = appSettings.getSettings();
const appName = path.basename(process.execPath, '.exe');
const fullExeName = path.basename(process.execPath);
const updatePath = path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), '..', 'Update.exe');
const queuePrefix = [ 'HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run', '/v', appName ];
exports.install = (callback) => {
log('AutoStart', 'Install');
const execPath = `${updatePath} --processStart ${fullExeName}` + (settings.get('START_MINIMIZED', false) ? ' --process-start-args --start-minimized' : ''); // Add Electron args if start minimized on
windowsUtils.addToRegistry([[...queuePrefix, '/d', execPath]], callback); // Make reg
exports.update = (callback) => {
log('AutoStart', 'Update');
exports.isInstalled(installed => installed ? exports.install(callback) : callback()); // Reinstall if installed, else just callback
retainAsar(); // Retain OpenAsar
exports.uninstall = (callback) => {
log('AutoStart', 'Uninstall');
windowsUtils.spawnReg(['delete', ...queuePrefix, '/f'], (_error, _stdout) => callback()); // Delete reg
exports.isInstalled = (callback) => windowsUtils.spawnReg(['query', ...queuePrefix], (_error, stdout) => callback(stdout.includes(appName))); // Check reg